| 08/dec/2018 | Luina Guild 3 | TeARoFthewARsonG Iron Pump Rampage! Iron Pump Era Seu Agora Eh Meu | 13:57:45 13:24:48 13:22:33 13:09:44 12:54:21 | |
| 08/dec/2018 | Balder Guild 2 | Legacy Era Seu Agora Eh Meu {O}taku~{C}lub | 13:22:53 13:14:49 13:10:46 | |
| 08/dec/2018 | Balder Guild 4 | ROKAF Iron Pump Era Seu Agora Eh Meu Legacy brbr huehue | 13:46:07 13:02:31 12:57:09 12:43:21 12:06:54 | |
| 24/nov/2018 | Britoniah Guild 4 | Era Seu Agora Eh Meu Tigers Legacy Rampage! Legacy Era Seu Agora Eh Meu Legacy | 13:57:40 13:32:17 13:17:26 13:15:17 13:03:06 12:59:46 12:02:22 | |
| 24/nov/2018 | Balder Guild 1 | Tigers NoMobNoFight~BobMarley Era Seu Agora Eh Meu ROKAF Tigers TeARoFthewARsonG ROKAF My prefix by here is. Legacy Era Seu Agora Eh Meu Legacy My prefix by here is. Legacy | 13:53:06 13:51:07 13:48:42 13:43:26 13:39:02 13:36:42 13:31:00 13:29:09 12:47:34 12:45:29 12:42:36 12:40:07 12:16:43 | |
| 24/nov/2018 | Balder Guild 2 | NoMobNoFight~BobMarley My prefix by here is. Tigers {O}taku~{C}lub Era Seu Agora Eh Meu Legacy Era Seu Agora Eh Meu {O}taku~{C}lub | 13:57:24 13:55:17 13:25:36 12:59:22 12:55:04 12:52:35 12:48:56 12:14:38 | |
| 24/nov/2018 | Balder Guild 3 | Hang*M*High Tigers Dawn Raid {O}taku~{C}lub Era Seu Agora Eh Meu | 13:57:58 13:50:43 13:26:38 12:55:53 12:51:41 | |
| 24/nov/2018 | Balder Guild 4 | ROKAF Tigers ROKAF {O}taku~{C}lub Era Seu Agora Eh Meu Legacy | 13:34:13 13:29:59 13:28:23 13:03:43 12:59:00 12:14:36 | |
| 24/nov/2018 | Balder Guild 5 | NoMobNoFight~BobMarley Era Seu Agora Eh Meu Tigers TeARoFthewARsonG Tigers Legacy Dawn Of The Autocrats | 13:48:10 13:46:05 13:36:39 13:31:02 13:27:49 13:06:06 13:00:16 | |
| 17/nov/2018 | Luina Guild 4 | Killer A Fan Club Era Seu Agora Eh Meu | 12:23:12 12:10:54 | |
| 17/nov/2018 | Britoniah Guild 4 | brbr huehue Era Seu Agora Eh Meu Gaia Iron Pump Rampage! Iron Pump ROKA Tigers New United Best SIayers | 13:58:59 13:54:37 13:49:41 13:39:31 13:34:09 13:28:08 13:15:18 12:31:37 12:28:46 | |
| 17/nov/2018 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | Era Seu Agora Eh Meu Tigers {O}taku~{C}lub Tigers ROKA Tigers ROKA Tigers | 13:59:43 13:38:26 13:35:05 13:17:25 13:03:23 12:59:19 12:54:21 12:45:53 | |
| 10/nov/2018 | Luina Guild 3 | Era Seu Agora Eh Meu Killer A Fan Club Shattered Dreams {O}taku~{C}lub .Alts. | 13:59:13 13:53:38 13:50:21 13:22:18 12:52:35 | |
| 10/nov/2018 | Luina Guild 4 | Gaia ROKAF Era Seu Agora Eh Meu .Alts. {O}taku~{C}lub ROKAF | 13:58:57 13:57:20 12:58:41 12:56:17 12:37:38 12:27:44 | |
| 10/nov/2018 | Britoniah Guild 2 | {O}taku~{C}lub ROKAF .Alts. Era Seu Agora Eh Meu .Alts. | 13:58:48 13:48:07 12:46:09 12:43:52 12:39:47 | |
| 10/nov/2018 | Britoniah Guild 3 | Rampage! ROKAF Iron Pump Era Seu Agora Eh Meu ROKAF | 13:59:34 13:31:47 13:05:18 12:56:09 12:19:11 | |
| 10/nov/2018 | Balder Guild 4 | Killer A Fan Club .Alts. Killer A Fan Club .Alts. {O}taku~{C}lub .Alts. Era Seu Agora Eh Meu {O}taku~{C}lub | 13:58:31 13:52:20 13:46:58 13:33:37 13:30:14 13:27:06 12:59:29 12:24:21 | |
| 03/nov/2018 | Luina Guild 2 | ROKAF {O}taku~{C}lub My prefix by here is. {O}taku~{C}lub Era Seu Agora Eh Meu {O}taku~{C}lub brbr huehue | 14:59:11 14:45:11 14:40:55 14:26:29 14:18:48 13:55:48 13:27:12 | |
| 03/nov/2018 | Britoniah Guild 4 | My prefix by here is. Era Seu Agora Eh Meu ROKAF The KIrby Alliance Iron Pump My prefix by here is. ROKAF Iron Pump brbr huehue Iron Pump Rampage! Iron Pump ROKAF | 14:59:13 14:57:51 14:55:14 14:47:08 14:39:08 14:38:01 14:35:56 14:12:03 14:07:13 13:40:37 13:34:54 13:24:50 13:20:34 | |
| 03/nov/2018 | Balder Guild 1 | My prefix by here is. KAOS My prefix by here is. The KIrby Alliance E V O L U T I O N KAOS Era Seu Agora Eh Meu {O}taku~{C}lub Rampage! | 14:59:57 14:57:16 14:46:02 14:41:52 14:37:24 14:35:43 14:15:14 13:23:42 13:08:50 | |