| 03/nov/2018 | Britoniah Guild 4 | My prefix by here is. Era Seu Agora Eh Meu ROKAF The KIrby Alliance Iron Pump My prefix by here is. ROKAF Iron Pump brbr huehue Iron Pump Rampage! Iron Pump ROKAF | 14:59:13 14:57:51 14:55:14 14:47:08 14:39:08 14:38:01 14:35:56 14:12:03 14:07:13 13:40:37 13:34:54 13:24:50 13:20:34 | |
| 03/nov/2018 | Britoniah Guild 5 | brbr huehue Rampage! Iron Pump KAOS Iron Pump Juppongatana Iron Pump ROKAF .Alts. | 14:58:27 14:34:05 14:31:06 14:27:07 14:24:46 14:09:18 13:16:26 13:15:06 13:11:36 | |
| 03/nov/2018 | Balder Guild 4 | ROKAF Order_of_the_Phoenix E V O L U T I O N Iron Pump Order_of_the_Phoenix E V O L U T I O N Rampage! Iron Pump Order_of_the_Phoenix brbr huehue {O}taku~{C}lub Order_of_the_Phoenix | 14:59:29 14:56:52 14:54:01 14:51:20 14:46:16 14:41:44 14:39:03 14:36:12 14:33:51 14:20:07 13:36:22 13:17:29 | |
| 03/nov/2018 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | ROKAF Juppongatana {O}taku~{C}lub brbr huehue {O}taku~{C}lub Rampage! {O}taku~{C}lub brbr huehue | 14:46:04 14:41:28 14:19:44 14:14:38 14:03:09 13:31:58 13:27:22 13:16:25 | |
| 03/nov/2018 | Valkyrie Realms 3 | The KIrby Alliance KAOS ROKAF Juppongatana KAOS {O}taku~{C}lub Rampage! {O}taku~{C}lub Rampage! | 14:58:57 14:53:49 14:51:16 14:36:18 14:22:03 14:16:33 14:10:38 13:59:36 13:25:49 | |
| 03/nov/2018 | Valkyrie Realms 4 | My prefix by here is. Juppongatana Buhok Sa Kili Kili ROKAF Juppongatana Rampage! {O}taku~{C}lub Rampage! | 14:58:37 14:57:08 14:54:45 14:51:04 14:38:57 14:13:46 14:06:35 13:28:47 | |
| 27/oct/2018 | Luina Guild 1 | My prefix by here is. Iron Pump brbr huehue Iron Pump brbr huehue ROKAF brbr huehue Legacy .Alts. Legacy Juppongatana | 14:58:39 14:52:13 14:41:14 14:37:35 14:34:46 14:31:12 14:27:54 14:12:48 14:09:11 13:56:31 13:27:02 | |
| 27/oct/2018 | Luina Guild 3 | My prefix by here is. Iron Pump ROKAF Iron Pump ROKAF Legacy .Alts. Iron Pump Legacy My prefix by here is. | 14:45:00 14:43:25 14:34:25 14:31:26 14:22:58 14:21:06 14:14:05 14:03:02 13:28:29 13:08:06 | |
| 27/oct/2018 | Luina Guild 5 | brbr huehue Iron Pump My prefix by here is. ROKAF Iron Pump .Alts. Iron Pump .Alts. My prefix by here is. Juppongatana My prefix by here is. | 14:59:28 14:50:06 14:42:33 14:24:57 14:19:37 14:18:14 13:58:52 13:40:56 13:37:07 13:20:57 13:05:29 | |
| 27/oct/2018 | Britoniah Guild 4 | Legacy ROKAF Legacy SquirreI Army Legacy My prefix by here is. brbr huehue Legacy brbr huehue | 14:59:18 14:25:18 14:09:31 14:06:21 13:44:30 13:26:58 13:22:24 13:12:09 13:05:52 | |
| 27/oct/2018 | Balder Guild 1 | ROKAF Iron Pump .Alts. Iron Pump .Alts. Iron Pump .Alts. ROKAF Iron Pump ROKAF Legacy .Alts. | 14:56:53 14:48:06 14:46:09 14:41:47 14:39:00 14:33:32 14:31:46 14:28:14 14:22:58 14:16:48 13:49:17 13:33:38 | |
| 27/oct/2018 | Balder Guild 4 | Iron Pump Legacy Iron Pump ROKAF Iron Pump .Alts. Iron Pump .Alts. Iron Pump .Alts. Legacy My prefix by here is. | 14:59:38 14:58:03 14:54:08 14:52:54 14:44:48 14:42:28 14:39:53 14:35:19 13:39:24 13:36:29 13:21:15 13:17:59 | |
| 27/oct/2018 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | ROKAF Legacy | 14:43:58 13:07:11 | |
| 27/oct/2018 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | KAOS Shattered Dreams ROKAF {O}taku~{C}lub | 14:59:14 14:55:25 14:36:01 13:24:22 | |
| 27/oct/2018 | Valkyrie Realms 3 | Legacy Shattered Dreams ROKAF Legacy | 14:55:00 14:46:09 14:21:31 13:27:13 | |
| 27/oct/2018 | Valkyrie Realms 4 | BOLSONARO 2018 Buhok Sa Kili Kili ROKAF BOLSONARO 2018 Legacy My prefix by here is. Legacy .Alts. | 14:59:38 14:55:49 14:49:32 14:47:38 13:41:25 13:32:39 13:30:41 13:17:01 | |
| 27/oct/2018 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | My prefix by here is. ROKAF Legacy brbr huehue | 14:47:34 14:40:35 13:23:01 13:13:19 | |
| 20/oct/2018 | Luina Guild 2 | ROKAF {O}taku~{C}lub brbr huehue Hang*M*High brbr huehue | 13:40:57 13:27:42 13:20:11 13:12:01 13:05:22 | |
| 20/oct/2018 | Luina Guild 4 | ROKAF Legacy Rampage! | 14:52:39 14:22:32 13:22:30 | |
| 20/oct/2018 | Balder Guild 2 | brbr huehue {O}taku~{C}lub ecks dee ROKAF Flamengo ecks dee Legacy | 14:58:35 14:54:07 14:46:52 14:44:07 14:25:40 14:20:22 14:16:32 | |