| 19/dec/2009 | Luina Guild 5 | New World Order Union Hispana Masters Of Puppets Kanon Lunar Wicked Union Hispana DarkStar Kanon DarkStar Essence | 16:36:23 16:22:01 16:16:32 16:10:32 15:57:40 15:44:35 15:40:02 15:26:25 15:19:33 15:11:48 15:03:09 | |
| 19/dec/2009 | Britoniah Guild 3 | imagine Steak N Shake DarkStar imagine Rekenber Wicked RoidRage New World Order | 16:59:33 16:55:54 16:40:00 16:36:39 16:24:50 16:03:48 15:59:25 15:48:13 | |
| 12/dec/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | Smokie's Dimsum Wicked Masters Of Puppets Embrace Le Vogue` Masters Of Puppets Embrace Sarap.Mag.Beer UberPownage imagine Raging Kitties Kirby Team | 16:59:02 16:49:36 16:29:25 16:26:50 16:17:52 16:04:37 15:56:31 15:40:23 15:35:31 15:27:09 15:21:21 15:09:47 | |
| 05/dec/2009 | Britoniah Guild 2 | Wicked Wish Sarap.Mag.Beer New World Order Sarap.Mag.Beer Legends Kanon New World Order | 16:58:48 16:12:16 16:02:23 15:51:56 15:44:43 15:39:33 15:17:08 15:08:15 | |
| 28/nov/2009 | Britoniah Guild 3 | Wicked Infinity RAWR Infinity RAWR Supremacy Rekenber Raging Kitties Amaterasu RAWR Infinity Masters Of Puppets Infinity Dissolution | 16:57:20 16:54:37 16:36:46 16:29:21 16:25:02 16:18:20 16:11:49 16:03:44 16:01:11 15:44:03 15:37:39 15:32:17 15:21:57 15:05:58 | |
| 21/nov/2009 | Balder Guild 3 | Dissolution DarkStar for u my friend Serenity Shadow Runners Æsir Essence Envision VaIkyrie imagine New World Order Wicked DarkStar New World Order Wicked Envision Essence DarkStar New World Order HeavensCloud VaIkyrie | 16:57:56 16:49:47 16:46:08 16:42:45 16:38:55 16:27:25 16:12:31 16:09:48 16:06:20 16:03:50 15:49:37 15:32:56 15:29:12 15:26:53 15:22:34 15:19:55 15:15:51 15:13:13 15:11:12 15:08:36 15:02:45 | |
| 21/nov/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Sarap.Mag.Beer AIpha n Omega Sarap.Mag.Beer Wish Kanon Envision Atreides Eulogy Amaterasu Wicked Atreides | 16:36:11 16:29:34 16:14:24 15:51:27 15:40:00 15:35:12 15:29:35 15:25:41 15:19:26 15:17:29 15:12:04 | |
| 14/nov/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 3 | Infinity Wicked Atreides Kanon Devil's Whisper Amaterasu Team Rocket | 16:58:53 16:53:38 16:27:53 16:15:10 16:12:35 15:41:21 15:39:02 | |
| 31/oct/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Wicked Raging Kitties Dissolution Wicked EliteSoldiersEX Kanon Lunar Raging Kitties Immortal Dreams Wish Lunar KaosuTsukai AIpha n Omega | 16:57:59 16:52:49 16:47:09 16:32:53 16:07:35 16:01:20 15:54:50 15:39:19 15:32:18 15:23:21 15:19:30 15:14:46 15:09:03 | |
| 17/oct/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Smokie's Dimsum Wicked Kanon Essence Smokie's Dimsum Infinity Mayhem Amaterasu AIpha n Omega Infinity Lunar Smokie's Dimsum Lunar Dissolution | 17:00:02 16:58:13 16:21:09 16:14:44 15:57:40 15:43:07 15:40:14 15:30:15 15:26:47 15:19:05 15:16:11 15:10:06 15:06:04 15:03:14 | |
| 10/oct/2009 | Luina Guild 2 | AIpha n Omega Team Rocket Infinity Wicked New World Order Unorganized Noobs Sarap.Mag.Beer RoidRage Immortal Dreams RoidRage Black Legion imagine Gurren Brigade RoidRage Kanon Black Legion New World Order RAWR Envision Sarap.Mag.Beer The Masters Gurren Brigade | 16:59:53 16:57:42 16:56:03 16:52:22 16:45:16 16:42:30 16:40:01 16:33:17 16:29:21 16:24:28 16:17:26 16:13:32 16:00:16 15:55:46 15:51:16 15:35:51 15:24:43 15:21:40 15:19:06 15:14:38 15:10:34 15:06:30 | |
| 10/oct/2009 | Britoniah Guild 2 | Kanon Pho Fighters Gurren Brigade Team Rocket Wicked Æsir Infinity Kanon Ninja Kirby Team Dissolution Pho Fighters The Powerpuff Girls Amaterasu | 16:58:50 16:49:58 16:19:32 16:16:25 16:05:04 15:58:20 15:47:19 15:42:23 15:39:11 15:24:43 15:22:26 15:13:00 15:09:03 15:04:04 | |
| 10/oct/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | Raging Kitties Legends Amaterasu Wish Kanon Legends RAWR Team Rocket Kanon Legends The Masters Team Rocket Envision Wicked Amaterasu Eulogy Kirby Team | 16:51:27 16:24:36 16:15:26 16:01:10 15:57:11 15:48:09 15:42:39 15:40:38 15:37:42 15:35:29 15:30:30 15:26:22 15:23:43 15:17:19 15:12:19 15:07:56 15:01:59 | |
| 03/oct/2009 | Balder Guild 1 | Gurren Brigade Wish Pho Fighters Wicked Amaterasu Rapture Amaterasu Gurren Lagann Pho Fighters Slacker DarkStar RoidRage The Masters DotA Player~ Amaterasu Gurren Brigade Amaterasu Union Hispana Gurren Brigade @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | 16:59:23 16:57:08 16:53:47 16:48:02 16:43:04 16:40:05 16:35:05 16:21:17 16:14:34 16:01:17 15:54:45 15:48:52 15:45:24 15:43:19 15:39:21 15:35:45 15:27:01 15:17:04 15:11:33 15:08:06 | |
| 12/sep/2009 | Luina Guild 3 | AIpha n Omega Gurren Brigade Kanon Infinity Kanon Red Ribbon I'm Durkidas New World Order >Bryan< Kirby Team Kanon Red Ribbon Kanon Wicked Durkidas Sarap.Mag.Beer VaIkyrie | 16:47:23 16:41:46 16:38:58 16:25:18 16:13:59 16:06:54 15:58:16 15:54:53 15:50:50 15:47:47 15:43:13 15:31:21 15:27:50 15:22:50 15:17:56 15:09:13 15:05:10 15:02:19 | |
| 25/jul/2009 | Britoniah Guild 2 | Wicked Gurren Brigade Wicked New World Order Pwnography Envision Amaterasu for u my friend New World Order Pwnography for u my friend VaIkyrie | 16:59:26 16:27:50 16:19:54 16:08:12 16:05:36 15:53:39 15:50:12 15:37:26 15:28:54 15:25:38 15:13:55 15:04:18 | |
| 25/jul/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | Serenity AIpha n Omega Kirby Team New World Order Smokie's Dimsum AIpha n Omega Wicked AIpha n Omega Final Distance Wish | 16:59:42 16:45:31 16:36:09 16:31:15 16:21:25 16:07:25 15:38:08 15:34:52 15:32:36 15:12:26 | |
| 25/jul/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | VaIkyrie Kirby Team Gurren Brigade Neverending Journey Syntax AIpha n Omega New World Order Wicked New World Order AIpha n Omega Kanon illegit New World Order AIpha n Omega VaIkyrie | 16:58:17 16:47:29 16:41:51 16:19:16 16:09:02 16:04:03 15:56:32 15:44:07 15:39:23 15:29:14 15:26:27 15:17:28 15:14:00 15:07:34 15:03:32 | |
| 18/jul/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | Pwnography Gurren Brigade Good Lucky Red Ribbon Dissolution Sol Wicked Infinity Kanon Serenity Gurren Brigade Amaterasu New World Order illegit AIpha n Omega New World Order Immortal Dreams AIpha n Omega | 16:57:19 16:45:35 16:38:24 16:24:19 16:17:36 16:09:26 16:04:05 15:58:59 15:53:44 15:49:21 15:44:55 15:41:37 15:38:10 15:31:17 15:25:45 15:21:05 15:09:35 15:05:04 | |
| 04/jul/2009 | Britoniah Guild 3 | Gurren Brigade Sol Wicked Sol Outdated Immortal Dreams Infinity New World Order Envision | 16:55:30 16:47:13 16:36:24 16:03:42 15:44:47 15:37:20 15:33:44 15:17:16 15:06:50 | |