| 27/mar/2010 | Luina Guild 5 | Union Hispana Wicked Dark Fallen Reich Wicked Union Hispana DarkStar New World Order DarkStar AMP Masters Of Puppets DarkStar Wish | 15:49:24 15:40:09 15:13:37 15:05:55 15:00:08 14:47:51 14:27:54 14:21:33 14:19:02 14:16:04 14:13:07 14:01:55 | |
| 20/mar/2010 | Balder Guild 5 | Impact Critical Acclaim AMP Amaterasu Critical Acclaim Wicked AMP Spirit Draconis New World Order Wicked New World Order Impact lnfinity Impact AMP Thor-P-2 Dark Fallen Reich Nyxis | 15:58:08 15:55:53 15:54:08 15:51:53 15:48:21 15:45:07 15:29:54 15:27:23 15:16:14 15:12:06 14:52:36 14:47:23 14:44:15 14:28:32 14:25:09 14:22:18 14:17:59 14:01:54 | |
| 20/mar/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | Atreides Amaterasu Atreides Ominous Elite Amaterasu Ominous Elite Masters Of Puppets Spirit Draconis Masters Of Puppets lnfinity Masters Of Puppets Wicked Shadow Runners Infinity Kanon Thor-P-2 Spirit Draconis New World Order | 15:48:07 15:41:18 15:38:53 15:25:46 15:21:16 15:15:27 15:07:10 15:04:20 15:01:13 14:57:05 14:39:45 14:35:41 14:27:58 14:17:30 14:13:36 14:10:37 14:05:19 14:02:05 | |
| 13/mar/2010 | Luina Guild 1 | You Know Who AMP Kirby Team Kanon Infinity AMP Wicked Union Hispana lnfinity Nyxis Smokie's Dimsum Wish | 16:21:32 15:39:20 15:36:37 15:34:30 15:28:15 15:23:48 15:12:27 15:05:52 14:59:48 14:50:16 14:47:13 14:40:09 | |
| 13/mar/2010 | Luina Guild 5 | Union Hispana Wish Kanon imagine Wicked New World Order Infinity New World Order Infinity AMP Wish Kanon | 16:22:49 15:53:02 15:47:25 15:44:42 15:35:47 15:30:50 15:18:07 15:14:28 15:12:09 14:41:49 14:38:58 14:36:30 | |
| 13/mar/2010 | Britoniah Guild 3 | Raging Kitties Wicked Sarap.Mag.Beer IMMORTALS AIpha n Omega Kanon Element New World Order Raging Kitties Smokie's Dimsum | 16:23:33 16:21:15 15:55:24 15:50:53 15:45:42 15:16:00 15:12:44 14:59:25 14:35:45 14:33:02 | |
| 06/mar/2010 | Luina Guild 5 | Wicked AMP Kanon Union Hispana Kanon Nyxis Kanon imagine monster II target Amaterasu Union Hispana DarkStar Union Hispana New World Order Kanon | 16:55:23 16:24:46 16:19:22 16:13:12 15:44:04 15:41:13 15:38:06 15:34:42 15:32:01 15:26:17 15:18:38 15:16:17 15:14:08 15:07:34 15:04:55 | |
| 27/feb/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Shadow Runners Amaterasu New World Order Amaterasu Wicked Infinity Raging Kitties Immortal Dreams Eulogy Immortal Dreams Infinity Wish Lunar RoidRage Kanon Impact | 16:58:37 16:24:33 16:20:41 16:13:39 16:09:23 15:49:46 15:46:44 15:43:41 15:38:27 15:29:10 15:23:05 15:20:02 15:17:14 15:11:10 15:08:14 15:03:12 | |
| 13/feb/2010 | Luina Guild 3 | Wicked Atreides Infinity Essence DarkStar Ominous Elite Dissolution | 16:58:17 16:27:49 16:21:54 15:56:24 15:52:08 15:50:19 15:47:15 | |
| 13/feb/2010 | Balder Guild 2 | VaIkyrie Chaos Society. Essence Shadow Runners New World Order Æsir Infinity Sarap.Mag.Beer Raging Kitties Wicked [Chaotic_Fisticuffs] Essence | 16:58:13 15:59:30 15:51:27 15:43:43 15:39:49 15:35:43 15:26:04 15:22:24 15:18:40 15:15:54 15:09:28 15:04:29 | |
| 13/feb/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 4 | Dissolution Wish Amaterasu Wicked Rekenber DarkStar New World Order The Threat Sarap.Mag.Beer Shuffle Dissolution Kanon VaIkyrie | 16:56:45 16:24:48 16:22:49 16:10:40 16:04:36 16:01:11 15:57:57 15:55:01 15:35:06 15:22:31 15:17:03 15:13:33 15:10:20 | |
| 13/feb/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Sublime Wish Lunar Wish Rekenber Wish Wicked Infinity Ominous Elite Essence Borr Embrace Kanon AIpha n Omega Kanon Chaos Society. Rekenber | 16:59:50 16:53:47 16:26:47 16:19:45 16:12:25 16:03:09 15:54:47 15:46:18 15:39:01 15:35:51 15:32:04 15:19:25 15:16:41 15:12:46 15:10:33 15:07:18 15:04:06 | |
| 06/feb/2010 | Britoniah Guild 3 | VaIkyrie Dissolution Wish Dissolution Amaterasu Lunar Rekenber Kanon Rekenber Wicked Rekenber Wish VaIkyrie Finding Nemo | 16:58:17 16:35:59 16:27:43 16:19:28 16:13:57 16:08:32 16:04:57 15:56:48 15:40:46 15:33:37 15:29:39 15:19:05 15:09:49 15:02:57 | |
| 06/feb/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Impact DarkStar Lunar Wicked Kanon [Chaotic_Fisticuffs] Legenary Kirby Team Infinity Ominous Elite Lunar Kanon Amaterasu Shuffle | 16:59:15 16:55:40 16:37:48 16:17:16 16:12:34 16:07:57 15:52:53 15:35:00 15:28:40 15:24:22 15:16:00 15:12:14 15:07:59 15:02:47 | |
| 30/jan/2010 | Luina Guild 2 | Wicked New World Order Kanon Infinity Kirby Team Immortal Dreams | 16:59:01 16:18:38 15:45:19 15:40:44 15:31:37 15:22:35 | |
| 30/jan/2010 | Britoniah Guild 3 | VaIkyrie Amaterasu Impact Wicked imagine Final Distance imagine Final Distance imagine Final Distance imagine Final Distance Atreides imagine Final Distance | 16:59:27 16:56:40 16:18:38 16:04:58 15:31:01 15:29:06 15:26:16 15:23:55 15:19:50 15:17:48 15:15:07 15:11:50 15:08:09 15:04:56 15:03:03 | |
| 23/jan/2010 | Balder Guild 3 | Dissolution Wicked Dust Bunnies Embrace Union Hispana Darklit Brigade Kirby Team MeXiCan MaFiA Shadow Runners | 16:56:56 16:00:16 15:53:44 15:43:21 15:36:13 15:17:28 15:12:47 15:09:58 15:03:56 | |
| 16/jan/2010 | Britoniah Guild 4 | Dissolution imagine Wicked RoidRage Rekenber Sarap.Mag.Beer Rekenber RoidRage Rekenber New World Order | 16:59:17 16:51:58 15:55:56 15:51:56 15:45:01 15:40:28 15:31:52 15:25:28 15:15:28 15:03:43 | |
| 16/jan/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Wicked Ominous Elite Legenary Snugglez The Threat Masters Of Puppets Sakura Heaven's Legion Rekenber Legenary | 17:00:00 16:22:12 16:10:53 16:04:02 15:56:26 15:43:13 15:39:55 15:13:27 15:09:03 15:05:13 | |
| 02/jan/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 3 | RoidRage The Threat Uchiha Clan New World Order RAWR Amaterasu Wicked Masters Of Puppets Amaterasu Raging Kitties High Timez Raging Kitties Masters Of Puppets Raging Kitties High Timez Raging Kitties | 16:55:40 16:52:54 16:37:38 16:32:52 16:28:49 16:12:53 16:11:17 15:51:30 15:47:41 15:43:05 15:41:04 15:37:21 15:35:26 15:33:17 15:31:08 15:22:02 | |