| 11/dec/2010 | Valfreyja 4 | The Legends Under the Moonlight Yoink !! | 19:58:52 19:52:55 19:31:46 | |
| 04/dec/2010 | Nithafjoll 1 | Animosity Punishment Azure Breeze Under the Moonlight Kakumei Animosity The Legends iRO GM Team | 20:43:34 20:24:59 20:18:59 19:57:40 19:44:06 19:29:27 19:15:02 18:59:51 | |
| 04/dec/2010 | Valfreyja 2 | Chaos Theory Punishment The Legends Under the Moonlight iRO GM Team | 20:03:33 19:55:58 19:48:34 19:26:10 18:59:50 | |
| 27/nov/2010 | Nithafjoll 4 | Trap or Die The Legends iRO GM Team | 20:26:13 20:01:12 18:59:53 | |
| 13/nov/2010 | Nithafjoll 1 | Pecos The Legends iRO GM Team | 20:59:04 20:50:37 18:59:54 | |
| 28/aug/2010 | Valfreyja 5 | Delusion The Legends Delusion | 20:57:51 19:12:08 19:09:51 | |
| 14/aug/2010 | Nithafjoll 3 | Eternal | Asura The Legends | 20:27:08 19:14:17 | |
| 14/aug/2010 | Nithafjoll 5 | Insurrection Bedlam The Legends Precipitation | 20:19:24 20:04:37 19:22:31 19:14:37 | |
| 10/jul/2010 | Valfreyja 4 | Azure Breeze The Legends Three Stars And A Sun Absolute | 20:41:23 20:18:47 19:53:02 19:47:01 | |
| 03/jul/2010 | Nithafjoll 4 | Delusion The Legends Absolute Delusion Final Retribution Inevitable Azure Breeze Inevitable Azure Breeze Inevitable Azure Breeze Inevitable Insurrection Sentinel Insurrection | 20:44:33 20:11:05 20:04:00 19:49:14 19:40:51 19:32:07 19:30:21 19:25:27 19:23:43 19:22:04 19:20:14 19:18:29 19:15:34 19:14:49 19:13:06 | |
| 03/jul/2010 | Nithafjoll 5 | Inevitable Three Stars And A Sun Royal Flush Three Stars And A Sun Royal Flush Inevitable ~Clandestine Society~ Three Stars And A Sun The Legends ~Clandestine Society~ | 20:43:08 20:33:50 20:09:13 20:00:14 19:46:06 19:43:46 19:15:23 19:13:48 19:10:58 19:06:02 | |
| 26/jun/2010 | Nithafjoll 5 | Animosity The Legends Three Stars And A Sun Holy Order Sentinel ~Clandestine Society~ Eternal | Asura | 20:39:29 19:54:11 19:52:09 19:19:29 19:13:51 19:12:02 19:09:41 | |
| 19/jun/2010 | Nithafjoll 2 | Under the Moonlight The Legends Blue Phoenix Animosity Absolute Bedlam | 20:42:39 20:35:16 20:25:44 20:13:01 19:51:16 19:44:22 | |
| 19/jun/2010 | Nithafjoll 5 | Acedia Royal Flush Rubbish Delusion Royal Flush Run for the Hills Royal Flush Run for the Hills Royal Flush The Legends Royal Flush Noblesse Oblige The Legends Noblesse Oblige The Legends Noblesse Oblige Royal Flush Final Retribution Delusion | 20:35:55 20:31:54 20:23:28 20:16:49 19:50:51 19:48:59 19:47:42 19:45:13 19:44:00 19:40:59 19:39:41 19:38:25 19:36:22 19:35:13 19:33:56 19:32:19 19:30:58 19:29:48 19:09:54 | |
| 29/may/2010 | Nithafjoll 5 | The Legends Absolute | 19:32:47 19:19:36 | |
| 22/may/2010 | Nithafjoll 1 | Under the Moonlight Blue Phoenix Delusion Royal Flush Final Retribution The Legends Baka's United' Absolute Baka's United' Three Stars And A Sun One Size Fits All Deus Ex Machina | 20:58:02 20:56:27 20:40:42 20:35:49 20:32:24 19:42:15 19:32:16 19:27:49 19:19:00 19:16:20 19:11:08 19:09:24 | |
| 15/may/2010 | Nithafjoll 5 | One Size Fits All Insurrection Dreams Delusion The Legends | 21:44:55 20:37:22 20:33:47 20:31:09 20:05:43 | |
| 15/may/2010 | Valfreyja 3 | Animosity The Legends Transcendence | 21:35:34 20:36:06 20:08:40 | |