| 15/aug/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | AIpha n Omega Illusion Kirby Team Amaterasu Good Lucky Gurren Brigade Wish Gurren Brigade New World Order Amaterasu Good Lucky Sarap.Mag.Beer Infinity Lunar RAWR Immortal Dreams | 16:47:12 16:33:46 16:26:26 16:18:49 16:14:35 16:07:10 16:03:14 16:01:01 15:54:53 15:50:17 15:46:50 15:35:58 15:30:31 15:21:29 15:12:43 15:10:13 | |
| 15/aug/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | RAWR Gurren Brigade New World Order Gurren Brigade Good Lucky Kirby Team The Hundreds Sarap.Mag.Beer Davachi Gurren Brigade Durkidas Smokie's Dimsum Sarap.Mag.Beer Kirby Team Gurren Brigade Eulogy Kirby Team Dango Daikazoku Immortal Dreams Amaterasu Immortal Dreams Kirby Team | 16:59:27 16:52:32 16:45:12 16:36:48 16:24:21 16:20:01 16:16:30 16:12:26 16:09:55 16:03:08 15:52:12 15:48:55 15:41:28 15:38:07 15:35:58 15:30:23 15:27:17 15:24:54 15:21:01 15:17:43 15:08:04 15:02:15 | |
| 15/aug/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | AIpha n Omega iIIegit Kirby Team Good Lucky Gurren Brigade Wish Sarap.Mag.Beer Outdated Amaterasu Immortal Dreams Kirby Team | 16:59:17 16:52:51 16:45:24 16:41:12 16:34:25 16:17:02 16:00:17 15:25:47 15:21:37 15:13:27 15:03:44 | |
| 08/aug/2009 | Luina Guild 4 | AIpha n Omega Alpha n Omega AIpha n Omega Wish Infinity The Hundreds Gurren Brigade RAWR Immortal Dreams Lunar Immortal Dreams Lunar | 16:56:34 16:26:53 16:03:19 15:48:49 15:42:16 15:35:15 15:23:47 15:13:25 15:10:34 15:08:19 15:05:50 15:03:20 | |
| 08/aug/2009 | Britoniah Guild 1 | Immortal Dreams Kanon Outdated Durkidas RAWR Immortal Dreams Wish The Sunlight Apostles Kirby Team Amaterasu | 16:55:06 16:23:26 16:11:14 16:01:39 15:43:55 15:33:04 15:28:58 15:22:19 15:16:08 15:09:13 | |
| 08/aug/2009 | Britoniah Guild 2 | New World Order AIpha n Omega UberPownage AIpha n Omega Amaterasu Immortal Dreams Eulogy Kirby Team | 16:09:29 16:05:45 15:55:28 15:49:14 15:29:12 15:24:08 15:16:54 15:12:14 | |
| 08/aug/2009 | Balder Guild 3 | Dissolution Lunar Supremacy H8ORADE New World Order Wish Immortal Dreams Wish Supremacy FIow Supremacy Wish Supremacy AIpha n Omega Immortal Dreams UberPownage | 16:59:06 16:56:22 16:52:34 16:43:00 16:37:54 16:25:49 16:22:12 16:12:51 16:07:39 16:02:17 15:52:23 15:47:05 15:29:04 15:20:55 15:16:52 15:04:09 | |
| 08/aug/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | VaIkyrie Serenity Wish Elegy RAWR Sarap.Mag.Beer Infinity Sarap.Mag.Beer Immortal Dreams RAWR Sarap.Mag.Beer RAWR Kirby Team | 16:58:58 16:56:22 16:50:40 16:36:40 16:31:51 16:10:12 15:51:11 15:40:50 15:38:10 15:29:37 15:11:22 15:05:13 15:02:09 | |
| 08/aug/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Final Distance Masters Of Puppets Kirby Team Amaterasu Red Ribbon AIpha n Omega Immortal Dreams Gurren Brigade VaIkyrie | 16:59:06 16:29:27 16:25:51 16:22:33 16:17:32 16:08:13 16:06:11 15:40:32 15:35:49 | |
| 01/aug/2009 | Luina Guild 4 | Immortal Dreams illegit | 16:56:30 16:12:24 | |
| 25/jul/2009 | Luina Guild 1 | AIpha n Omega New World Order Gurren Brigade Syntax Envision Immortal Dreams Syntax AIpha n Omega Masters Of Puppets VaIkyrie | 16:40:44 16:37:42 16:33:09 16:15:49 16:02:44 15:57:41 15:45:01 15:38:06 15:18:08 15:14:39 | |
| 25/jul/2009 | Luina Guild 5 | Smokie's Dimsum Envision Lunar New World Order AIpha n Omega UberPownage Immortal Dreams VaIkyrie | 16:58:43 16:18:55 16:13:32 16:04:26 15:43:29 15:32:19 15:20:07 15:11:21 | |
| 18/jul/2009 | Luina Guild 2 | Red Ribbon Lunar Dissolution Kanon Immortal Dreams Red Ribbon Envision Red Ribbon VaIkyrie | 16:59:37 16:41:55 16:28:46 15:48:18 15:45:25 15:38:17 15:33:31 15:14:21 15:11:41 | |
| 18/jul/2009 | Luina Guild 4 | Immortal Dreams Kanon Immortal Dreams VaIkyrie Dissolution Envision Kanon Dissolution | 16:56:51 16:04:24 15:43:45 15:39:50 15:28:53 15:19:44 15:13:16 15:06:51 | |
| 18/jul/2009 | Britoniah Guild 1 | Immortal Dreams Pwnography Amaterasu Sarap.Mag.Beer Outdated Lunar Final Distance BIack LabeI Sarap.Mag.Beer Lunar RAWR Immortal Dreams Amaterasu Wish BIack LabeI Outdated | 16:59:29 16:42:06 16:39:42 16:33:35 16:22:16 16:12:00 16:06:25 16:03:35 15:50:19 15:39:36 15:34:36 15:31:35 15:26:16 15:21:44 15:17:05 15:10:49 | |
| 18/jul/2009 | Britoniah Guild 2 | Sarap.Mag.Beer Final Distance RAWR Break Sarap.Mag.Beer Immortal Dreams New World Order illegit RAWR Immortal Dreams Envision New World Order BIack LabeI | 16:50:11 16:12:00 16:07:37 16:02:08 15:57:42 15:54:42 15:52:03 15:39:04 15:32:11 15:28:03 15:23:15 15:16:41 15:14:00 | |
| 18/jul/2009 | Britoniah Guild 5 | Sakura Infinity Outdated Amaterasu Final Distance Amaterasu Outdated Infinity Sarap.Mag.Beer Karas RAWR Immortal Dreams Gurren Brigade Infinity Wish Revenant | 17:00:02 16:57:46 16:40:53 16:34:25 16:31:28 16:22:08 16:14:13 16:04:23 15:52:40 15:42:36 15:37:46 15:34:10 15:31:35 15:25:58 15:17:45 15:13:52 | |
| 18/jul/2009 | Balder Guild 1 | Durkidas The Hundreds Durkidas Outdated Kanon Envision Break Infinity Wish Envision Immortal Dreams | 16:22:04 16:08:17 16:01:03 15:52:30 15:45:20 15:37:15 15:33:01 15:19:39 15:13:56 15:09:19 15:03:24 | |
| 18/jul/2009 | Balder Guild 3 | illegit BIack LabeI Ominous Elite The Hundreds New World Order Ominous Elite BIack LabeI Wish Outdated BIack LabeI Infinity Immortal Dreams Amaterasu Envision Lunar | 16:58:29 16:40:06 16:26:37 16:21:28 16:10:18 15:58:41 15:48:26 15:43:59 15:36:47 15:32:02 15:23:29 15:19:33 15:16:50 15:13:20 15:07:08 | |
| 18/jul/2009 | Balder Guild 5 | Envision Durkidas Envision Spirit Draconis Envision Outdated Kanon Envision The Threat RAWR AIpha n Omega Immortal Dreams | 16:30:09 16:26:12 16:11:06 16:07:00 15:55:56 15:46:04 15:38:52 15:31:00 15:24:34 15:14:57 15:09:05 15:02:48 | |