Guilds that have broken an emperium: | 62 |
Guilds that have held a castle at the end of siege: | 43 |
These statistics encompass a period of: | 2519 days since 11/feb/2018 (6 years, 11 months, 3 weeks) |
Takeovers during that time: | 906 |
Sieges held so far: | 71 |
Average takeover count per siege: | 12.76 |
..... standard deviation: | 9.3930 |
..... median: | 12 |
..... modes: | 7 (31/mar/2019, 17/feb/2019, 25/nov/2018, 22/jul/2018, 10/jun/2018) |
Busiest days
Date | Takeovers |
25/feb/2018 | 52 |
18/nov/2018 | 31 |
08/apr/2018 | 31 |
01/apr/2018 | 30 |
15/apr/2018 | 29 |
16/feb/2018 | 29 |
11/mar/2018 | 26 |
11/feb/2018 | 25 |
16/dec/2018 | 22 |
30/sep/2018 | 22 |
BLUE ### | Emp breaks |
GREEN ### | Guilds with at least one break |