| 10/nov/2012 | Britoniah Guild 4 | trying too hard Omega Core trying too hard lnsurrection | 14:56:55 14:16:12 14:05:24 13:59:29 | |
| 10/nov/2012 | Balder Guild 3 | lnsurrection trying too hard JoIogs Lost Cause Kanon JoIogs Unity JoIogs Unity Exiled Heroes The Inbetweeners Exiled Heroes JoIogs Exiled Heroes The Inbetweeners Exiled Heroes Eternal Vengeance Exiled Heroes The Inbetweeners Eternal Vengeance The Inbetweeners Eternal Vengeance AIpha n Omega | 14:59:19 14:55:16 14:41:17 14:36:42 14:31:12 14:01:04 13:58:25 13:52:19 13:48:49 13:46:02 13:43:52 13:41:51 13:37:51 13:35:43 13:33:06 13:30:57 13:29:01 13:26:42 13:24:29 13:21:16 13:15:36 13:12:28 13:05:18 | |
| 03/nov/2012 | Britoniah Guild 4 | trying too hard Chrono Triggers Br LeVeL_uP_mY_sPoRe!!! Chrono Triggers Br | 14:57:38 14:07:35 13:28:45 13:20:01 | |
| 03/nov/2012 | Balder Guild 2 | Valhalla Lost Cause Valkyrie Lost Cause trying too hard Iron Maiden Kanon Lost Cause LeVeL_uP_mY_sPoRe!!! Eternal Vengeance Freshmen LeVeL_uP_mY_sPoRe!!! Valkyrie Iron Maiden Lost Cause | 14:58:12 14:54:33 14:48:58 14:44:22 14:39:23 14:25:39 14:00:46 13:51:24 13:44:05 13:39:25 13:34:41 13:22:42 13:17:22 13:13:13 13:03:33 | |
| 03/nov/2012 | Balder Guild 3 | Valhalla lnsurrection Valhalla lnsurrection Bitzbox lnsurrection Lost Cause Sentinel trying too hard CIassic lnsurrection .Sugar Valhalla Bitzbox | 14:59:39 14:44:44 14:42:48 14:38:26 14:36:46 14:33:51 14:30:43 14:28:37 14:25:52 14:23:49 14:21:26 14:12:14 13:09:03 13:01:15 | |
| 03/nov/2012 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | trying too hard Eternal Vengeance .Sugar Freshmen lnsurrection CIassic AIpha n Omega Valkyrie | 14:58:26 14:54:51 14:47:17 14:11:42 14:06:55 13:46:42 13:38:29 13:31:31 | |
| 27/oct/2012 | Luina Guild 1 | trying too hard AIpha n Omega Valhalla Omega Core Valhalla Kanon Yaloo Kanon Omega Core Kanon Chrono Triggers Br .Sugar Kanon | 14:56:10 14:46:27 14:38:05 14:31:40 14:24:03 14:16:07 14:11:43 13:44:50 13:40:17 13:19:38 13:13:22 13:08:22 13:04:35 | |
| 27/oct/2012 | Balder Guild 2 | lnsurrection trying too hard Kanon Yaloo Unity Bitzbox LeVeL_uP_mY_sPoRe!!! SentineI Bitzbox | 14:59:24 14:51:50 14:24:34 14:21:26 14:08:16 13:38:06 13:27:18 13:15:25 13:08:52 | |
| 27/oct/2012 | Balder Guild 4 | Lost Cause trying too hard No Fat Chicks Lost Cause CIassic Kanon AIpha n Omega Yaloo LeVeL_uP_mY_sPoRe!!! | 14:59:24 14:56:10 14:49:41 14:26:30 14:20:22 14:09:09 13:56:15 13:26:00 13:23:00 | |
| 27/oct/2012 | Valkyrie Realms 4 | Faction Bitzbox trying too hard CIassic trying too hard | 14:57:14 14:19:37 14:15:43 14:13:52 14:09:47 | |
| 27/oct/2012 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | trying too hard Valhalla Lost Cause Iron Maiden | 14:58:29 14:13:44 14:04:35 13:09:58 | |
| 20/oct/2012 | Luina Guild 4 | Unity trying too hard | 14:55:46 14:27:31 | |
| 20/oct/2012 | Britoniah Guild 1 | lnsurrection trying too hard | 14:16:08 14:14:09 | |
| 20/oct/2012 | Britoniah Guild 2 | Bitzbox lnsurrection Lost Cause lnsurrection trying too hard Alpha n Omega LeVeL_uP_mY_sPoRe!!! Lost Cause | 14:57:06 14:30:15 14:24:41 14:20:55 14:00:16 13:52:44 13:29:00 13:23:08 | |
| 20/oct/2012 | Britoniah Guild 3 | Sentinel Lost Cause trying too hard | 14:53:23 14:15:46 13:56:32 | |
| 20/oct/2012 | Britoniah Guild 5 | Faction lnsurrection Alpha n Omega trying too hard | 14:58:02 14:34:37 14:15:36 14:01:10 | |
| 20/oct/2012 | Balder Guild 2 | trying too hard Freshmen Kanon LeVeL_uP_mY_sPoRe!!! Bitzbox | 14:53:18 14:25:15 14:13:28 13:53:05 13:46:54 | |