| 10/aug/2013 | Luina Guild 1 | AIpha n Omega ? Hellraios Vigil Reprise Vigil The Best In Training ? | 14:58:38 14:00:44 13:54:32 13:42:10 13:30:32 13:12:37 13:09:04 13:03:08 | |
| 10/aug/2013 | Luina Guild 2 | Hellraios Vigil Sharks Citadel of Assasins Reprise Sharks Vigil Reprise Sharks Reprise ? | 14:59:54 14:57:37 14:13:33 14:09:56 14:00:22 13:55:27 13:47:28 13:38:49 13:32:08 13:21:21 13:16:47 | |
| 10/aug/2013 | Balder Guild 1 | Hellraios Kanon Citadel of Assasins Reprise Kanon AIpha n Omega ? AIpha n Omega Hellraios AIpha n Omega Hellraios Gooby Pls | 14:56:59 14:30:31 14:28:16 14:23:03 14:07:44 13:52:20 13:34:08 13:25:10 13:16:59 13:13:58 13:10:01 13:06:50 | |
| 10/aug/2013 | Balder Guild 3 | Valkyrie Kanon INFLAMES Kanon Sharks ? PBNJ -Old School- Gooby Pls The Best In Training Gooby Pls Reprise | 14:57:10 14:27:16 14:19:40 14:12:08 14:08:54 13:47:50 13:45:32 13:36:11 13:24:31 13:16:49 13:07:12 13:02:51 | |
| 10/aug/2013 | Balder Guild 4 | Kanon The Best In Training PBNJ ? Kanon Gooby Pls The Best In Training AIpha n Omega Sharks | 14:58:40 14:24:05 14:06:04 13:44:25 13:29:51 13:27:22 13:24:41 13:18:46 13:11:57 | |
| 10/aug/2013 | Balder Guild 5 | br scrubs ? Sharks Reprise Kanon Gooby Pls PBNJ Kanon Citadel of Assasins The Best In Training PBNJ Kanon Gooby Pls | 14:55:31 14:47:13 14:35:52 14:28:24 14:24:46 14:21:01 14:13:08 14:10:13 13:45:16 13:39:44 13:35:41 13:32:14 13:24:23 | |
| 27/jul/2013 | Balder Guild 4 | United End of Day BlTZBOX The Big Bang Theory Immortal Dreams The Best In Training Valkyrie Kanon Gooby Pls ? The Best In Training Chrono Triggers Br The Big Bang Theory | 14:59:22 14:57:55 14:46:43 14:42:53 14:36:36 14:26:58 13:44:25 13:36:23 13:31:54 13:25:41 13:10:39 13:06:58 | |