| 11/jun/2011 | Luina Guild 3 | Animosity Rhenium Wolf AbsoIute ~C!andestine Society~ Inevitable Rhenium Wolf DeIusion Inevitable Night Wolves | 20:47:35 20:41:05 20:23:30 20:11:39 19:56:40 19:49:23 19:41:06 19:15:16 19:10:38 |  |
 | 07/may/2011 | Luina Guild 2 | DeIight Night Wolves degree and a job Inevitable Rhenium Wolf UntouchabIes | 20:32:35 20:20:48 19:59:07 19:44:46 19:37:13 19:17:05 |  |
 | 07/may/2011 | Luina Guild 3 | Yoink !! Rhenium Wolf Kakumei Rhenium Wolf Inevitable UntouchabIes | 20:53:06 20:33:10 20:12:43 19:53:58 19:42:04 19:09:16 |  |
 | 07/may/2011 | Luina Guild 5 | The Legends Rhenium Wolf Annihilation UntouchabIes | 20:55:42 20:19:27 19:22:30 19:04:15 |  |
 | 27/apr/2011 | Luina Guild 3 | Dreamcatcher ~C!andestine Society~ Rhenium Wolf Ymir Community Events Inevitable Rhenium Wolf DeIight Night Wolves | 16:59:25 16:52:46 16:33:06 16:05:18 15:56:58 15:49:58 15:35:18 15:15:35 |  |
 | 11/dec/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | Phantasm Retards Phantasm Holy Order Rhenium Wolf - ZERO - Knights of Virtue - ZERO - Holy Order | 20:48:34 20:37:41 20:27:40 20:10:24 20:00:56 19:49:15 19:39:43 19:21:06 19:07:32 |  |
 | 11/dec/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 4 | Chaos Theory Phantasm Rhenium Wolf Awesome Ones Holy Order Under the Moonlight | 20:58:20 20:55:51 20:27:57 19:59:54 19:52:53 19:30:26 |  |
 | 11/dec/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Punishment Rhenium Wolf AbsoIute Awesome Ones | 20:45:59 20:14:14 19:42:00 19:31:41 |  |
 | 04/dec/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | Inevitable Rhenium Wolf - ZERO - ~EXILED HEROES~ Acydia | 20:25:57 20:11:58 19:50:10 19:28:26 19:18:28 |  |
 | 04/dec/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 4 | Azure Breeze Awesome Ones Rhenium Wolf Classic Kakumei Rhenium Wolf Acydia | 20:49:42 20:45:23 20:22:45 20:05:48 19:54:59 19:41:25 19:27:07 |  |
 | 13/oct/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | The Legends Rhenium Wolf Ambition Eternal | Asura Ab Initio Absolute ~Clandestine Society~ Holy Order Under the Moonlight Bedlam Chaos Theory | 16:58:43 16:35:05 16:15:36 16:09:12 15:57:50 15:41:22 15:35:20 15:32:29 15:23:28 15:20:16 15:17:53 |  |
 | 25/sep/2010 | Luina Guild 1 | Magdalo Lazy Sunday Afternoon Ab Initio Kakumei Ab Initio Rhenium Wolf | 20:59:10 20:32:20 20:29:04 19:56:43 19:47:34 19:44:55 |  |
 | 11/sep/2010 | Luina Guild 1 | Ab Initio Rhenium Wolf Classic Deus Ex Machina Holy Order | 20:59:27 20:42:37 20:20:01 20:04:51 19:51:39 |  |
 | 11/sep/2010 | Luina Guild 4 | Acedia Nerezza Totale Rhenium Wolf Deus Ex Machina Classic Chaos Theory Acedia Delusion | 20:59:35 20:58:30 20:19:41 20:13:32 20:10:11 20:08:20 19:20:28 19:17:47 |  |
 | 11/sep/2010 | Balder Guild 5 | Magdalo Mugiwara Kaizokudan Rhenium Wolf Awesome Ones Animosity Delusion | 20:58:32 20:31:19 20:25:11 19:31:14 19:15:49 19:12:35 |  |
 | 08/sep/2010 | Luina Guild 2 | Magdalo Inevitable Magdalo Rhenium Wolf Knights of Virtue Inevitable Magdalo | 16:59:01 16:43:36 16:38:05 16:08:28 15:41:34 15:37:05 15:13:03 |  |
 | 08/sep/2010 | Luina Guild 5 | Inevitable Delusion Rhenium Wolf Knights of Virtue Under the Moonlight Inevitable | 16:59:10 16:41:37 16:18:17 15:34:26 15:16:07 15:11:10 |  |
 | 08/sep/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | Delusion Classic Three Stars And A Sun Under the Moonlight Three Stars And A Sun Anti Hero Awesome Ones Under the Moonlight Ab Initio Deus Ex Machina Rhenium Wolf Anti Hero Awesome Ones Spectre Inevitable Under the Moonlight Delusion Deus Ex Machina Knights of Virtue Awesome Ones | 16:57:46 16:55:35 16:27:54 16:23:30 16:18:51 16:16:02 16:13:29 16:09:35 16:03:48 15:57:55 15:56:23 15:49:43 15:47:06 15:40:38 15:35:23 15:24:30 15:17:32 15:15:14 15:08:00 15:02:31 |  |
 | 04/sep/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 3 | Bedlam Animosity Rhenium Wolf Atelier Perceptual Eternal | Asura Atelier Eternal | Asura Animosity Sentinel ~Clandestine Society~ Absolute Bedlam Animosity Delusion | 20:59:42 20:54:59 20:37:15 20:29:18 20:25:36 20:18:12 20:13:23 19:59:50 19:44:05 19:38:05 19:34:12 19:30:06 19:17:03 19:12:31 19:03:01 |  |
 | 25/aug/2010 | Luina Guild 2 | The Legends Clandestine Society Insurrection Rhenium Wolf Azure Breeze Under the Moonlight Holy Order Under the Moonlight Holy Order Under the Moonlight | 16:59:01 16:16:54 16:11:28 16:00:46 15:56:43 15:53:05 15:36:29 15:28:54 15:15:22 15:08:10 |  |