| 11/sep/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Absolute Mugiwara Kaizokudan Classic Anti Hero Lost Haven Divinity ~Clandestine Society~ | 20:57:40 20:33:25 20:16:38 19:45:48 19:38:41 19:28:12 19:11:40 |  |
 | 08/sep/2010 | Luina Guild 1 | Inevitable Anti Hero Insurrection Inevitable Awesome Ones Deus Ex Machina | 16:57:49 16:43:20 15:55:32 15:40:24 15:18:58 15:03:56 |  |
 | 08/sep/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | Delusion Classic Three Stars And A Sun Under the Moonlight Three Stars And A Sun Anti Hero Awesome Ones Under the Moonlight Ab Initio Deus Ex Machina Rhenium Wolf Anti Hero Awesome Ones Spectre Inevitable Under the Moonlight Delusion Deus Ex Machina Knights of Virtue Awesome Ones | 16:57:46 16:55:35 16:27:54 16:23:30 16:18:51 16:16:02 16:13:29 16:09:35 16:03:48 15:57:55 15:56:23 15:49:43 15:47:06 15:40:38 15:35:23 15:24:30 15:17:32 15:15:14 15:08:00 15:02:31 |  |
 | 01/sep/2010 | Balder Guild 3 | Azure Breeze Under the Moonlight Eternal | Asura Baka's United' Royal Flush Anti Hero Classic Inevitable ~Clandestine Society~ Eternal Vengeance | 16:58:37 16:31:43 16:03:46 15:56:32 15:51:45 15:43:16 15:36:06 15:29:00 15:23:49 15:15:30 |  |
 | 01/sep/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Delusion Magdalo ~Clandestine Society~ Anti Hero Absolute Indestructible Knights of Virtue Inevitable Eternal | Asura | 16:57:40 16:13:13 15:53:29 15:38:43 15:35:46 15:23:43 15:20:08 15:15:17 15:06:18 |  |
 | 25/aug/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | Insurrection Delusion Acedia Magdalo insur = scared of sgn Three Stars And A Sun Deus Ex Machina Baka's United' Under the Moonlight Inevitable Divinity Three Stars And A Sun Amity Anti Hero Ab Initio Delusion Three Stars And A Sun ~Clandestine Society~ Divinity Bedlam | 16:58:38 16:34:35 16:28:06 16:24:11 16:18:38 16:08:36 16:03:17 15:59:52 15:55:59 15:52:51 15:50:06 15:47:16 15:44:13 15:42:09 15:39:18 15:31:59 15:23:31 15:19:18 15:06:47 15:03:20 |  |
 | 18/aug/2010 | Luina Guild 2 | Divinity Inevitable Chaos Theory The Legends Transcendence Anti Hero | 16:57:45 16:31:25 16:08:31 16:01:16 15:58:04 15:24:30 |  |
 | 14/aug/2010 | Luina Guild 1 | Bedlam Raze Eternal Vengeance Kakumei Inevitable The Legends Anti Hero | 20:59:36 20:10:09 19:54:24 19:45:02 19:31:09 19:28:27 19:21:13 |  |
 | 14/aug/2010 | Luina Guild 4 | Holy Order Classic Ab Initio Classic Eternal Vengeance Inevitable Anti Hero | 20:59:24 20:38:46 20:23:53 20:10:04 19:43:25 19:26:48 19:23:27 |  |
 | 14/aug/2010 | Luina Guild 5 | Baka's United' Inspire Wings Inevitable Wings Anti Hero Exsul | 20:59:11 20:04:27 19:40:08 19:28:57 19:27:10 19:11:18 19:02:03 |  |
 | 14/aug/2010 | Britoniah Guild 4 | Inevitable Dreamscape Noblesse Oblige Ab Initio - ZERO - Inevitable Anti Hero Inevitable Holy Order | 20:58:34 20:49:25 20:35:59 20:12:23 19:43:35 19:27:24 19:25:39 19:19:46 19:06:35 |  |
 | 14/aug/2010 | Balder Guild 3 | Memoria You Mad? Insurrection Raze Classic Eternal Vengeance Kakumei Anti Hero | 20:58:30 20:56:41 20:51:51 20:37:39 20:18:04 20:09:03 19:30:25 19:02:15 |  |
 | 14/aug/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | Bullet Proof Raffindale yoink! - ZERO - yoink! Three Stars And A Sun Wings - ZERO - Eternal Vengeance Antithesis Raffindale Inevitable Wings Inevitable Anti Hero ~Clandestine Society~ | 20:58:56 20:55:52 20:30:16 20:26:26 20:13:36 20:10:50 19:43:13 19:40:13 19:37:46 19:29:59 19:25:26 19:15:20 19:12:53 19:09:33 19:06:17 19:02:40 |  |
 | 14/aug/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 4 | Anti Hero Classic Interlopers Kakumei Delusion Eternal Vengeance Inevitable ~Clandestine Society~ - ZERO - Antithesis | 20:59:24 20:28:59 20:11:25 19:52:41 19:32:00 19:28:59 19:17:21 19:14:22 19:10:43 19:02:51 |  |
 | 11/aug/2010 | Luina Guild 1 | Eternal | Asura boosh Bedlam Holy Order Anti Hero | 16:58:59 16:48:27 15:44:31 15:27:10 15:02:28 |  |
 | 04/aug/2010 | Balder Guild 2 | Acedia Absolute Classic Bedlam Classic Insurrection Anti Hero | 16:58:52 16:00:39 15:58:01 15:54:15 15:11:10 15:08:01 15:01:59 |  |
 | 04/aug/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 3 | Anti Hero Bedlam Animosity Three Stars And A Sun Denuo Convena Under the Moonlight Three Stars And A Sun Acedia Antithesis The Legends Three Stars And A Sun Acedia Bedlam | 16:59:06 16:43:30 16:14:59 16:01:30 15:56:14 15:53:59 15:51:29 15:49:04 15:45:58 15:17:45 15:12:55 15:09:03 15:01:16 |  |
 | 31/jul/2010 | Luina Guild 3 | Classic Three Stars And A Sun Bedlam Anti Hero | 20:59:24 20:45:23 20:08:43 19:03:36 |  |
 | 31/jul/2010 | Luina Guild 5 | InterIude Insurrection Wings Anti Hero | 20:55:44 19:35:25 19:20:57 19:01:58 |  |
 | 31/jul/2010 | Britoniah Guild 1 | Sentinel Knights of Virtue Awesome Ones Anti Hero Animosity | 20:58:44 20:04:44 19:55:06 19:49:23 19:45:39 |  |