| 19/dec/2009 | Britoniah Guild 3 | imagine Steak N Shake DarkStar imagine Rekenber Wicked RoidRage New World Order | 16:59:33 16:55:54 16:40:00 16:36:39 16:24:50 16:03:48 15:59:25 15:48:13 | |
| 19/dec/2009 | Balder Guild 4 | iIIegit Spirit Draconis DarkStar Dojo Breakers DarkStar RoidRage Sarap.Mag.Beer Infinity Essence Infinity DarkStar Kanon Supremacy Rekenber Infinity | 16:55:52 16:33:53 16:28:02 16:19:43 16:07:27 16:04:36 15:45:55 15:39:19 15:36:23 15:33:46 15:17:17 15:13:27 15:09:22 15:04:56 15:01:34 | |
| 12/dec/2009 | Luina Guild 1 | Kirby Team Masters Of Puppets Union Hispana Kanon Union Hispana Rekenber Kanon Atreides New World Order Infinity Kanon Essence Legends | 16:39:09 16:33:17 16:27:37 16:14:43 16:04:59 16:00:08 15:46:53 15:33:05 15:25:53 15:19:04 15:13:26 15:10:16 15:07:47 | |
| 12/dec/2009 | Britoniah Guild 3 | imagine Legends Rekenber Infinity Sarap.Mag.Beer New World Order Infinity | 16:58:27 16:14:52 15:39:10 15:35:51 15:33:46 15:19:58 15:06:01 | |
| 05/dec/2009 | Luina Guild 1 | Smokie's Dimsum Kirby Team New World Order Kanon UberPownage Essence DarkStar Masters Of Puppets Kanon Rekenber VaIkyrie | 16:59:00 16:32:31 16:17:25 16:02:08 15:47:37 15:44:14 15:40:36 15:28:47 15:23:06 15:17:36 15:05:57 | |
| 28/nov/2009 | Britoniah Guild 3 | Wicked Infinity RAWR Infinity RAWR Supremacy Rekenber Raging Kitties Amaterasu RAWR Infinity Masters Of Puppets Infinity Dissolution | 16:57:20 16:54:37 16:36:46 16:29:21 16:25:02 16:18:20 16:11:49 16:03:44 16:01:11 15:44:03 15:37:39 15:32:17 15:21:57 15:05:58 | |
| 28/nov/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 3 | Ominous Elite Envision RoidRage Devil's Whisper Dojo Breakers Lunar Dojo Breakers Raging Kitties Embrace Amaterasu Lunar Rekenber imagine Dissolution Ominous Elite AIpha n Omega | 16:57:46 16:54:33 16:43:59 16:41:17 16:31:06 16:20:28 16:13:50 16:04:50 16:00:12 15:51:42 15:48:18 15:42:05 15:37:22 15:30:53 15:27:40 15:03:02 | |
| 28/nov/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Lunar Masters Of Puppets Amaterasu Raging Kitties Amaterasu Æsir Rekenber Masters Of Puppets | 16:58:31 15:57:34 15:52:45 15:34:23 15:30:03 15:25:33 15:09:02 15:02:51 | |
| 21/nov/2009 | Britoniah Guild 3 | AIpha n Omega Rekenber iIIegit Rekenber VaIkyrie Rekenber iIIegit Sd's Dance Studio iIIegit Sd's Dance Studio iIIegit Sd's Dance Studio iIIegit Playboy iIIegit New World Order iIIegit Sd's Dance Studio iIIegit ilIegit iIIegit VaIkyrie iIIegit | 16:57:51 16:36:42 16:24:20 16:20:04 16:17:28 16:14:45 16:06:31 16:05:08 16:03:27 16:02:08 16:00:11 15:59:06 15:55:31 15:49:35 15:46:18 15:43:57 15:38:15 15:36:27 15:34:19 15:29:33 15:28:24 15:26:01 15:23:52 | |
| 21/nov/2009 | Balder Guild 4 | Immortal Dreams lmmortal Dreams Sarap.Mag.Beer Essence HeavensCloud Essence RoidRage Supremacy RoidRage Essence Rekenber Immortal Dreams | 16:58:53 16:30:04 15:59:00 15:54:47 15:47:38 15:36:22 15:31:56 15:27:23 15:22:00 15:10:21 15:04:30 15:01:43 | |
| 07/nov/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Infinity Kirby Team Kanon Kirby Team Kanon Masters Of Puppets Kirby Team Raging Kitties Kirby Team Immortal Dreams Kirby Team imagine Amaterasu Rekenber Infinity | 16:53:06 16:41:58 16:27:51 16:09:04 16:05:07 16:02:25 15:47:15 15:38:16 15:34:32 15:30:16 15:26:53 15:21:44 15:17:38 15:13:38 15:06:52 | |