| 28/nov/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | Embrace Raging Kitties Wish New World Order Sarap.Mag.Beer Eulogy imagine | 16:54:33 16:43:32 16:38:21 16:33:57 16:16:51 15:22:11 15:10:29 | |
| 28/nov/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | Atreides Wish New World Order Dissolution Immortal Dreams Wish Masters Of Puppets Ominous Elite Infinity Raging Kitties Lunar Kanon Amaterasu Lunar Æsir Dust Bunnies AIpha n Omega | 16:58:39 16:54:59 16:36:06 16:23:54 16:21:11 16:14:42 16:06:04 16:01:32 15:52:08 15:42:01 15:38:32 15:29:39 15:27:34 15:23:26 15:20:21 15:12:54 15:08:24 | |
| 21/nov/2009 | Luina Guild 4 | Kanon Union Hispana DarkStar Masters Of Puppets Sarap.Mag.Beer Envision Union Hispana New World Order Kanon Envision Raging Kitties Sarap.Mag.Beer Envision Raging Kitties | 16:58:37 16:10:39 16:06:46 16:03:55 15:52:45 15:50:06 15:42:04 15:38:24 15:36:23 15:29:12 15:25:27 15:10:56 15:08:35 15:02:40 | |
| 21/nov/2009 | Luina Guild 5 | Sarap.Mag.Beer Team Rocket Sarap.Mag.Beer DarkStar VaIkyrie Kirby Team Kanon New World Order Kanon New World Order Corona Brigade | 16:55:57 16:45:11 16:41:17 16:30:30 16:00:53 15:44:07 15:41:21 15:30:53 15:19:28 15:16:55 15:12:12 | |
| 21/nov/2009 | Britoniah Guild 1 | Atreides Wish Dust Bunnies Wish Raging Kitties Legends Atreides New World Order Prodigal UberPownage Eulogy Kanon [Chaotic_Fisticuffs] New World Order Prodigal New World Order [Chaotic_Fisticuffs] Æsir New World Order | 17:00:03 16:55:10 16:40:11 16:22:21 16:17:06 16:14:45 16:12:19 16:07:03 16:03:01 15:58:54 15:56:40 15:54:03 15:50:50 15:35:18 15:24:44 15:20:38 15:16:21 15:09:34 15:02:33 | |
| 21/nov/2009 | Britoniah Guild 3 | AIpha n Omega Rekenber iIIegit Rekenber VaIkyrie Rekenber iIIegit Sd's Dance Studio iIIegit Sd's Dance Studio iIIegit Sd's Dance Studio iIIegit Playboy iIIegit New World Order iIIegit Sd's Dance Studio iIIegit ilIegit iIIegit VaIkyrie iIIegit | 16:57:51 16:36:42 16:24:20 16:20:04 16:17:28 16:14:45 16:06:31 16:05:08 16:03:27 16:02:08 16:00:11 15:59:06 15:55:31 15:49:35 15:46:18 15:43:57 15:38:15 15:36:27 15:34:19 15:29:33 15:28:24 15:26:01 15:23:52 | |
| 21/nov/2009 | Balder Guild 2 | imagine VaIkyrie New World Order Supremacy Essence DarkStar Embrace Infinity Fracta | 16:30:50 16:02:52 15:57:49 15:53:11 15:31:29 15:18:08 15:13:37 15:04:32 15:01:30 | |
| 21/nov/2009 | Balder Guild 3 | Dissolution DarkStar for u my friend Serenity Shadow Runners Æsir Essence Envision VaIkyrie imagine New World Order Wicked DarkStar New World Order Wicked Envision Essence DarkStar New World Order HeavensCloud VaIkyrie | 16:57:56 16:49:47 16:46:08 16:42:45 16:38:55 16:27:25 16:12:31 16:09:48 16:06:20 16:03:50 15:49:37 15:32:56 15:29:12 15:26:53 15:22:34 15:19:55 15:15:51 15:13:13 15:11:12 15:08:36 15:02:45 | |
| 14/nov/2009 | Britoniah Guild 1 | Infinity Prodigal New World Order I'm New World Order Wish Prodigal New World Order Infinity Devil's Whisper New World Order Infinity | 16:56:34 16:32:20 16:25:23 16:20:23 16:18:02 16:07:42 15:59:56 15:56:09 15:46:00 15:18:18 15:04:41 15:02:18 | |
| 14/nov/2009 | Britoniah Guild 2 | Masters Of Puppets Kanon New World Order Infinity | 16:56:28 16:52:10 15:54:40 15:41:09 | |
| 14/nov/2009 | Balder Guild 3 | Dissolution New World Order KaosuTsukai Wish Amaterasu for u my friend Amaterasu for u my friend DarkStar Essence Union Hispana New World Order for u my friend | 16:53:26 16:37:18 16:34:08 16:11:58 16:07:23 15:57:22 15:52:09 15:47:31 15:41:55 15:38:44 15:35:23 15:31:05 15:18:49 | |
| 14/nov/2009 | Balder Guild 5 | Fracta New World Order Unorganized Noobs Supremacy DarkStar Essence Union Hispana DarkStar Infinity New World Order Wish Essence UberPownage Amaterasu | 16:58:21 16:53:46 16:51:49 16:42:31 16:21:52 16:18:02 16:10:53 16:06:17 15:54:41 15:52:42 15:39:48 15:35:48 15:17:07 15:08:20 | |
| 07/nov/2009 | Luina Guild 2 | Immortal Dreams The Threat Æsir Ominous Elite Union Hispana New World Order Amaterasu Immortal Dreams UberPownage | 16:58:06 15:49:49 15:42:50 15:33:05 15:22:25 15:18:41 15:12:49 15:09:09 15:03:08 | |
| 07/nov/2009 | Luina Guild 5 | Union Hispana I'm Kanon I'm Legends Devil's Whisper New World Order imagine Union Hispana Æsir Kanon Raging Kitties | 16:45:02 16:27:35 16:21:16 16:16:03 16:13:40 16:09:29 16:00:55 15:50:28 15:46:10 15:29:49 15:27:03 15:24:23 | |
| 07/nov/2009 | Britoniah Guild 1 | Masters Of Puppets iIIegit New World Order Masters Of Puppets New World Order Smokie's Dimsum New World Order [Chaotic_Fisticuffs] Amaterasu New World Order Dissolution UberPownage [Chaotic_Fisticuffs] Infinity Prodigal VaIkyrie | 17:00:01 16:58:14 16:42:51 16:38:33 16:33:03 16:28:06 16:23:31 16:06:53 15:55:45 15:52:01 15:48:39 15:43:59 15:18:47 15:12:29 15:05:30 15:01:44 | |
| 07/nov/2009 | Balder Guild 2 | Smokie's Dimsum Infinity Forgotten Dreams Smokie's Dimsum New World Order Familia_Tecate DarkStar New World Order Æsir GoldenPhoenix Supremacy DarkStar Essence Dissolution | 16:57:11 16:46:14 16:41:52 16:20:20 16:09:48 16:04:51 15:59:52 15:53:12 15:48:21 15:40:41 15:28:10 15:24:38 15:18:24 15:06:46 | |
| 07/nov/2009 | Balder Guild 5 | Essence Infinity Embrace Supremacy Æsir Infinity Masters Of Puppets New World Order Go_Hard Infinity Essence Go_Hard UberPownage Kirby Team Sarap.Mag.Beer | 16:56:51 16:06:34 16:04:11 15:53:16 15:50:29 15:48:56 15:42:48 15:37:31 15:28:18 15:23:28 15:20:46 15:18:24 15:15:40 15:08:47 15:03:59 | |
| 31/oct/2009 | Luina Guild 2 | Lunar Ominous Elite Kanon Lunar Raging Kitties New World Order Infinity Lunar UberPownage Devil's Whisper Union Hispana Amaterasu | 16:59:05 15:51:19 15:47:51 15:45:24 15:34:19 15:28:35 15:17:39 15:15:42 15:12:08 15:09:25 15:06:20 15:03:25 | |
| 31/oct/2009 | Luina Guild 5 | Union Hispana I'm DarkStar The Threat Kanon Lunar UberPownage Immortal Dreams Kanon New World Order Raging Kitties Wish Amaterasu | 16:45:14 16:40:48 16:37:34 16:26:03 16:08:12 16:00:09 15:51:25 15:47:02 15:44:11 15:36:46 15:34:09 15:29:13 15:08:49 | |
| 31/oct/2009 | Britoniah Guild 1 | Atreides New World Order [Chaotic_Fisticuffs] Atreides Prodigal Lunar Embrace Atreides Valhalla [Chaotic_Fisticuffs] Amaterasu [Chaotic_Fisticuffs] Infinity | 16:56:51 16:39:18 16:32:49 16:26:13 16:07:03 16:02:54 15:57:47 15:54:55 15:51:08 15:41:58 15:34:43 15:19:03 15:05:35 | |