| 05/sep/2009 | Luina Guild 5 | I'm Kanon Gurren Brigade >Bryan< Immortal Dreams Kanon I'm Gurren Brigade New World Order | 15:59:14 15:53:15 15:44:22 15:38:29 15:28:50 15:18:36 15:15:51 15:10:55 15:05:31 | |
| 05/sep/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | AIpha n Omega Infinity New World Order Gurren Brigade New World Order >Bryan< I'm Sarap.Mag.Beer Dark Destiny Lunar Dark Destiny Amaterasu >Bryan< Immortal Dreams RAWR Kanon Supremacy | 16:58:11 16:55:28 16:11:24 16:07:44 15:50:36 15:46:38 15:44:46 15:41:29 15:38:10 15:33:05 15:28:57 15:23:02 15:17:12 15:10:42 15:06:26 15:04:21 15:01:45 | |
| 05/sep/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 4 | Æsir I'm Dark Destiny Purgatory Immortal Dreams Gurren Brigade Dark Destiny >Bryan< | 16:58:48 16:46:19 15:48:17 15:26:58 15:21:02 15:18:53 15:14:57 15:01:53 | |
| 29/aug/2009 | Luina Guild 2 | Immortal Dreams Masters Of Puppets Kanon Masters Of Puppets Immortal Dreams Kanon Sarap.Mag.Beer Immortal Dreams Gurren Brigade Masters Of Puppets I'm Amaterasu | 16:58:42 16:48:19 16:09:20 16:03:02 15:58:48 15:53:15 15:45:30 15:39:53 15:35:50 15:25:51 15:22:34 15:17:03 | |
| 29/aug/2009 | Luina Guild 3 | AIpha n Omega Gurren Brigade Immortal Dreams The Threat Immortal Dreams Durkidas Gurren Brigade Durkidas Gurren Brigade Masters Of Puppets Amaterasu Kanon I'm | 16:52:15 16:27:53 16:24:15 16:10:10 15:54:06 15:46:43 15:39:10 15:34:52 15:28:41 15:25:49 15:18:46 15:11:12 15:06:50 | |
| 29/aug/2009 | Luina Guild 5 | I'm Gurren Brigade I'm Masters Of Puppets I'm New World Order Sarap.Mag.Beer New World Order Kanon | 15:54:52 15:45:24 15:42:16 15:36:47 15:34:12 15:32:51 15:26:10 15:22:36 15:14:13 | |
| 29/aug/2009 | Balder Guild 1 | Envision Supremacy Red Ribbon Gurren Brigade Kanon Gurren Brigade Wish Gurren Brigade Essence Red Ribbon Gurren Brigade Amaterasu Gurren Brigade DarkStar Sarap.Mag.Beer Durkidas Essence Wish Infinity Gurren Brigade RAWR Essence I'm AIpha n Omega Gurren Brigade | 16:57:44 16:48:06 16:38:01 16:32:37 16:29:48 16:25:05 16:20:31 16:13:26 16:09:48 16:06:39 16:03:15 15:57:54 15:55:47 15:52:11 15:45:48 15:43:25 15:36:27 15:32:31 15:28:23 15:26:01 15:23:28 15:20:42 15:17:28 15:13:48 15:03:10 | |
| 29/aug/2009 | Balder Guild 4 | Immortal Dreams Dissolution I'm Essence Wish Essence Immortal Dreams Sarap.Mag.Beer Wish Essence Infinity DarkStar Infinity DarkStar warriors of Asgard | 17:00:02 16:57:48 16:47:18 16:33:41 16:27:35 16:19:34 16:13:00 15:51:53 15:45:20 15:43:27 15:40:42 15:33:15 15:26:03 15:15:41 15:07:24 | |
| 29/aug/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | AIpha n Omega Smokie's Dimsum Wish Gurren Brigade Final Distance I'm New World Order Gurren Brigade Serenity Final Distance Gurren Brigade Dissolution | 16:59:35 16:56:33 16:27:17 16:22:58 16:15:39 16:03:36 15:41:21 15:34:16 15:29:54 15:25:38 15:21:16 15:15:22 | |
| 22/aug/2009 | Luina Guild 1 | Smokie's Dimsum Red Ribbon Amaterasu Gurren Brigade RAWR I'm Sol Amaterasu Immortal Dreams | 16:58:46 15:58:20 15:54:10 15:39:53 15:35:20 15:31:56 15:24:15 15:15:57 15:10:31 | |
| 22/aug/2009 | Luina Guild 2 | Revenant I'm Immortal Dreams Durkidas Lunar Infinity Sol Gurren Brigade Immortal Dreams Ominous Elite Sarap.Mag.Beer Amaterasu Durkidas Amaterasu I'm Immortal Dreams | 16:51:46 16:30:53 16:25:53 16:08:55 16:02:36 15:55:53 15:46:57 15:43:45 15:40:44 15:37:36 15:28:39 15:24:25 15:21:37 15:16:27 15:11:43 15:06:19 | |
| 22/aug/2009 | Luina Guild 5 | Gurren Brigade Masters Of Puppets Gurren Brigade Kirby Team Gurren Brigade Final Distance I'm Kanon Gurren Brigade Immortal Dreams Ominous Elite Infinity | 16:49:53 16:46:28 16:36:22 16:32:19 16:28:15 16:16:09 16:11:32 15:58:18 15:51:09 15:42:25 15:23:53 15:05:41 | |
| 22/aug/2009 | Balder Guild 1 | Dissolution DarkStar Sarap.Mag.Beer Essence Amaterasu Essence Kanon Gurren Brigade Lunar Nerv Red Ribbon Gurren Brigade Essence I'm Kirby Team Gurren Brigade Kanon Infinity Gurren Brigade New World Order Amaterasu I'm Gurren Brigade Kanon Gurren Brigade | 16:57:21 16:49:58 16:43:49 16:40:57 16:36:01 16:18:26 16:15:51 16:09:48 16:07:47 16:05:06 16:01:51 15:58:49 15:52:34 15:50:37 15:47:40 15:45:29 15:41:47 15:35:34 15:30:20 15:27:02 15:20:30 15:16:14 15:08:10 15:04:26 15:01:53 | |
| 22/aug/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | VaIkyrie New World Order Gurren Brigade Wish Gurren Brigade Legends Infinity The Hundreds I'm Wish Gurren Brigade Immortal Dreams Toxic Sushi Amaterasu Kirby Team | 16:59:22 16:41:36 16:22:21 16:09:38 16:05:00 15:49:44 15:38:31 15:33:21 15:27:10 15:23:56 15:21:06 15:14:25 15:12:14 15:06:53 15:01:52 | |
| 22/aug/2009 | Valkyrie Realms 4 | Serenity VaIkyrie I'm | 16:58:55 15:33:19 15:08:38 | |
| 15/aug/2009 | Luina Guild 2 | I'm Masters Of Puppets Infinity New World Order Kirby Team AIpha n Omega Infinity VaIkyrie | 16:46:24 16:40:28 16:20:13 16:15:13 16:10:15 16:01:26 15:46:10 15:42:06 | |
| 15/aug/2009 | Luina Guild 4 | Sarap.Mag.Beer Red Ribbon I'm Gurren Brigade Eulogy Prodigal Sol VaIkyrie | 16:39:56 16:17:25 16:08:44 16:06:07 15:49:21 15:44:33 15:30:03 15:14:56 | |
| 15/aug/2009 | Britoniah Guild 1 | Serenity AIpha n Omega Infinity Gurren Brigade Dissolution I'm Amaterasu Gurren Brigade Amaterasu Dissolution Gurren Brigade Amaterasu Gurren Brigade Immortal Dreams Ominous Elite RAWR | 16:58:49 16:55:33 16:27:34 16:15:47 16:05:59 16:03:51 16:00:52 15:56:58 15:52:37 15:44:38 15:42:14 15:33:34 15:29:56 15:24:33 15:18:09 15:08:43 | |
| 15/aug/2009 | Britoniah Guild 2 | Gurren Brigade Carol I'm for u my friend Amaterasu Immortal Dreams Kanon Wish RAWR Gurren Brigade RAWR Strongest Element Eulogy Immortal Dreams VaIkyrie | 16:43:29 16:25:14 16:22:45 16:19:20 16:05:57 16:01:35 15:58:38 15:52:00 15:38:49 15:32:47 15:24:33 15:15:20 15:08:25 15:05:17 15:02:50 | |
| 08/aug/2009 | Balder Guild 5 | I'm Envision Spirit Draconis Masters Of Puppets | 17:00:00 16:24:33 15:29:48 15:24:26 | |