| 09/dec/2009 | Britoniah Guild 3 | - Aesthetic - Faction Kinetic Equilibrium Wolves of Geffen ROmance Royal Death Squad | 16:58:39 16:00:05 15:53:27 15:15:41 15:10:20 15:02:41 | |
| 09/dec/2009 | Britoniah Guild 4 | Under the Moonlight Kakumei A Holy Sin Kakumei A Holy Sin Kakumei ROmance Royal Mind Games | 16:59:25 16:04:21 15:56:37 15:45:58 15:42:18 15:37:53 15:16:16 15:02:55 | |
| 02/dec/2009 | Britoniah Guild 3 | Dragon's Ire -The-Royal-Flush- Kakumei Baka's United Kakumei ROmance Royal | 16:58:15 16:56:07 16:17:40 16:08:19 15:19:28 15:10:01 | |
| 10/nov/2007 | Britoniah Guild 3 | Eternal | Asura Loki's Keepers ~[Elements Origin]~ Wolves of Payon ROmance Royal Kakumei Wolves of Payon FN Pirates - Aesthetic - | 20:58:00 20:51:00 20:08:00 19:45:00 19:37:00 19:29:00 19:18:00 19:14:00 19:03:00 | |
| 28/jul/2007 | Britoniah Guild 1 | The Legends Wolves Of Prontera ROmance Royal | 20:55:57 19:42:53 19:03:50 | |
| 28/jul/2007 | Britoniah Guild 2 | Unity Wolves Of Prontera The Eternal Tao Wolves Of Prontera Loki's Keepers The Eternal Tao Loki's Keepers ROmance Royal Playmates The Eskimo Brigade The Gift | 20:56:22 20:40:34 20:14:36 20:10:36 19:59:41 19:48:22 19:44:02 19:31:18 19:26:21 19:15:11 19:01:48 | |
| 28/jul/2007 | Britoniah Guild 3 | Ordinatio Wasa ~[Elements Origin]~ The Eternal Tao Loki's Keepers ROmance Royal Ascension Playmates ROmance Royal Loki's Keepers ROmance Royal Loki's Keepers The Gift | 20:59:07 20:18:49 20:00:20 19:50:11 19:43:21 19:40:29 19:37:19 19:25:58 19:22:02 19:15:30 19:10:13 19:04:40 | |
| 28/jul/2007 | Britoniah Guild 4 | Amity Loki's Keepers Wolves of Geffen Loki's Keepers Wolves Of Prontera The Eternal Tao Love Suicide Wolves Of Prontera Loki's Keepers Ascension Playmates The Eskimo Brigade Loki's Keepers ROmance Royal Insurgents | 20:58:51 20:23:07 20:18:47 20:08:13 19:58:15 19:53:33 19:48:48 19:46:03 19:39:39 19:34:50 19:31:24 19:22:16 19:17:11 19:10:55 19:08:19 | |
| 28/jul/2007 | Britoniah Guild 5 | - Aesthetic - The Legends Wolves Of Prontera Impulse Wolves Of Prontera ROmance Royal Wolves Of Prontera The Eskimo Brigade | 20:58:00 20:35:35 20:26:15 20:17:50 19:50:56 19:36:21 19:33:23 19:06:04 | |
| 25/jul/2007 | Britoniah Guild 1 | Insurgents Ascension ROmance Royal The Eskimo Brigade ROmance Royal Pure Addiction ROmance Royal The Eskimo Brigade Pure Addiction The Eskimo Brigade RebeliĆ³n Ordinatio Wasa | 16:55:04 16:44:47 16:40:06 16:35:16 16:24:13 16:20:16 16:11:27 15:54:29 15:31:58 15:26:39 15:21:01 15:13:50 | |
| 25/jul/2007 | Britoniah Guild 3 | Ordinatio Wasa Invictus ~[Elements Origin]~ ROmance Royal Pure Addiction Wolves of Geffen Frontline Pure Addiction ROmance Royal | 16:58:33 16:44:01 16:01:47 15:51:15 15:47:11 15:37:11 15:22:08 15:17:43 15:12:17 | |
| 25/jul/2007 | Britoniah Guild 4 | Amity The Eskimo Brigade The Legends The Eternal Tao [S.T.A.R.S] The Eternal Tao ROmance Royal ~[Elements Origin]~ Pure Addiction Frontline Amity | 16:58:49 16:43:51 16:10:38 16:00:32 15:53:31 15:36:33 15:32:36 15:30:07 15:25:27 15:19:30 15:17:50 | |
| 25/jul/2007 | Britoniah Guild 5 | - Aesthetic - ROmance Royal Minions of Evil Ordinatio Wasa The Eskimo Brigade ROmance Royal | 16:58:37 15:58:17 15:49:00 15:17:11 15:14:00 15:07:17 | |