| 01/feb/2006 | Britoniah Guild 5 | Aegis Synergy Defiance Aegis B r i t i s h Broken Rose Aegis The Atlantean Order Killer Tomatoes Aegis Broken Rose Aegis The Atlantean Order Insurrection Sairai | 17:00:00 16:57:00 16:53:00 16:32:00 16:26:00 16:19:00 16:12:00 15:59:00 15:53:00 15:47:00 15:44:00 15:27:00 15:19:00 15:09:00 15:02:00 | |
| 01/feb/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | XGMR Broken Rose Gaia Well-Baked Kitties Bonanza XGMR ~Band of the Hawk~ Reiki Sasuneac B r i t i s h Guardians of Loki f a t e Unholy SIaughtered Saints Angelic Realms Guardians of Loki Synergy Sairai Bonanza Reiki Synergy Sairai M&M Killer Tomatoes Broken Rose | 16:39:00 16:36:00 16:33:00 16:26:00 16:22:00 16:19:00 16:16:00 16:09:00 16:05:00 16:03:00 16:00:00 15:58:00 15:55:00 15:53:00 15:49:00 15:32:00 15:30:00 15:28:00 15:25:00 15:22:00 15:19:00 15:16:00 15:14:00 15:07:00 15:02:00 | |
| 01/feb/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 3 | Killer Tomatoes wtfbbq XGMR Angelic Realms SIaughtered Saints Angelic Realms XGMR Killer Tomatoes XGMR Well-Baked Kitties Unholy XGMR Angelic Realms Sasuneac The Dragon's Ire Unholy Impulse M&M Gaia Bonanza Ambient M&M Synergy Sairai Eternal l Asura Sairai ~Aesir~ XGMR | 16:58:00 16:48:00 16:45:00 16:43:00 16:38:00 16:35:00 16:32:00 16:27:00 16:26:00 16:23:00 16:20:00 16:16:00 16:14:00 16:10:00 16:05:00 16:02:00 15:55:00 15:52:00 15:41:00 15:38:00 15:31:00 15:26:00 15:22:00 15:17:00 15:14:00 15:10:00 15:06:00 15:02:00 | |
| 28/jan/2006 | Britoniah Guild 3 | Eternal l Asura Loki's Keepers Pestilence Broken Rose Loki's Keepers Unholy B r i t i s h Loki's Keepers Unity Eternal l Asura Killer Tomatoes Faux Pas Unity Faux Pas Sairai Synergy Loki's Keepers | 20:57:00 20:39:00 20:33:00 20:29:00 20:16:00 20:12:00 20:07:00 20:02:00 19:55:00 19:51:00 19:48:00 19:39:00 19:32:00 19:27:00 19:24:00 19:21:00 19:06:00 | |
| 28/jan/2006 | Britoniah Guild 5 | The Atlantean Order Sairai Aegis Broken Rose The Atlantean Order Insurrection The Atlantean Order B r i t i s h The Atlantean Order Happy Birthday ~Booo~ Eternal l Asura The Atlantean Order Synergy Sairai Killer Tomatoes Aegis Synergy A.N.G.E.L. Dead Poets Society Happy Birthday ~Booo~ | 20:59:00 20:52:00 20:48:00 20:36:00 20:23:00 20:20:00 20:14:00 20:11:00 20:07:00 20:02:00 20:00:00 19:55:00 19:51:00 19:46:00 19:44:00 19:35:00 19:33:00 19:29:00 19:26:00 19:10:00 | |
| 25/jan/2006 | Britoniah Guild 5 | Sairai Synergy Pestilence Devastation Killer Tomatoes Sairai Reminisce Killer Tomatoes Slave Coorp Sairai Reminisce | 16:58:00 16:56:00 16:46:00 16:37:00 16:34:00 16:11:00 15:23:00 15:21:00 15:18:00 15:11:00 15:04:00 | |
| 21/jan/2006 | Britoniah Guild 1 | Unholy The Dragon's Ire Playmates Sairai Campers Reloaded Devastation The Atlantean Order Unity Synergy Insurrection Ex Vi Termini 22 A p o c a l y p s e Autumn Love Handles Autumn Synergy 22 A p o c a l y p s e | 20:57:00 20:20:00 20:15:00 20:12:00 20:09:00 19:49:00 19:46:00 19:42:00 19:38:00 19:33:00 19:30:00 19:26:00 19:20:00 19:17:00 19:08:00 19:04:00 19:01:00 | |
| 21/jan/2006 | Britoniah Guild 5 | Ordinatio Wasa Impulse Ordinatio Wasa 22 A p o c a l y p s e XGMR Unity XGMR Pestilence wtfbbq Eternal l Asura Sairai The Atlantean Order Broken Rose Playmates Synergy Unity Reminisce Ex Vi Termini 22 A p o c a l y p s e Insurrection Synergy Unity | 20:59:00 20:57:00 20:53:00 20:50:00 20:49:00 20:36:00 20:28:00 20:26:00 20:23:00 20:19:00 20:11:00 20:07:00 19:52:00 19:45:00 19:41:00 19:36:00 19:34:00 19:24:00 19:19:00 19:16:00 19:08:00 19:02:00 | |
| 21/jan/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | ~Aesir~ Gaia Hero Impulse Synergy Starscapes* Endless Love Bonanza ~Band of the Hawk~ Unholy Endless Love ~Aesir~ Bonanza Broken Rose Guardians of Loki Synergy Hero [ E v o k e d ] Bonanza Tenyo's Legacy | 20:59:00 20:57:00 20:54:00 20:21:00 19:55:00 19:53:00 19:49:00 19:45:00 19:43:00 19:40:00 19:33:00 19:31:00 19:29:00 19:26:00 19:24:00 19:19:00 19:16:00 19:15:00 19:08:00 19:03:00 | |
| 21/jan/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | Broken Rose A.N.G.E.L. B r i t i s h Guardians of Loki Tenyo's Spirit Aegis Impulse Devastation Endless Love 22 A p o c a l y p s e M&M Bonanza Guardians of Loki Bonanza Synergy Sairai Pestilence Broken Rose Hero Happy Birthday Kaly Campers Reloaded Bonanza ~Band of the Hawk~ Dragoons Synergy ~Band of the Hawk~ M&M Dragoons In Memory of Tenyo <3 ~Aesir~ | 20:58:00 20:54:00 20:52:00 20:48:00 20:44:00 20:37:00 20:28:00 20:25:00 20:22:00 20:19:00 20:13:00 20:09:00 20:06:00 20:03:00 19:59:00 19:55:00 19:52:00 19:49:00 19:47:00 19:42:00 19:38:00 19:35:00 19:32:00 19:27:00 19:23:00 19:20:00 19:15:00 19:06:00 19:03:00 19:01:00 | |
| 21/jan/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 3 | Pestilence Impulse Bonanza M&M Thousand Buddhas Angelic Realms Dragoons Gaia M&M Ordinatio Wasa Ambient Guardians of Loki Synergy Sairai Broken Rose Campers Reloaded M&M Bonanza Synergy Invictus [ E v o k e d ] Dragoons Hero 22 A p o c a l y p s e Tenyo's Spirit Bonanza | 20:49:00 20:47:00 20:44:00 20:41:00 20:39:00 20:35:00 20:31:00 20:27:00 20:24:00 20:21:00 20:17:00 20:10:00 20:04:00 19:50:00 19:45:00 19:38:00 19:35:00 19:31:00 19:28:00 19:25:00 19:22:00 19:14:00 19:11:00 19:09:00 19:05:00 19:03:00 | |
| 21/jan/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Dungeon Masters Aegis Dungeon Masters Broken Rose Aegis Synergy Bonanza M&M Bonanza ~Band of the Hawk~ *Gods*Of*War* Bonanza Ambient Tenyo's Legacy ~Band of the Hawk~ Descendents Tenyo's Legacy ~Aesir~ Broken Rose | 20:28:00 20:24:00 20:20:00 20:17:00 20:14:00 20:11:00 20:07:00 20:00:00 19:56:00 19:53:00 19:45:00 19:41:00 19:35:00 19:27:00 19:23:00 19:19:00 19:11:00 19:07:00 19:04:00 | |
| 15/oct/2005 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | *Gods*Of*War* Synergy Stars of Heaven Kachoufuugetsu Ex Vi Termini Killer Tomatoes Saosin | 20:17:00 20:14:00 20:12:00 20:10:00 19:16:00 19:12:00 19:06:00 | |
| 15/oct/2005 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | Kachoufuugetsu A.N.G.E.L. Killer Tomatoes Saosin Angelic Realms Synergy Saosin Expression Kachoufuugetsu Saosin | 20:59:00 20:59:00 19:39:00 19:36:00 19:33:00 19:29:00 19:19:00 19:12:00 19:09:00 19:05:00 | |
| 12/oct/2005 | Luina Guild 3 | Kingdom of Loki Saosin Impulse Saosin Killer Tomatoes Synergy Praetorian Guard Angelic Realms Saosin Angelic Realms | 16:56:00 16:52:00 16:52:00 16:00:00 15:58:00 15:41:00 15:32:00 15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:00 | |
| 08/oct/2005 | Valkyrie Realms 4 | Well-Baked Cookies Gaia Lucky Charms Synergy Guardians of Loki Endless Love | 20:59:00 20:26:00 20:16:00 20:10:00 19:43:00 19:38:00 | |
| 08/oct/2005 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Defiance RebeliĆ³n Killer Tomatoes Dungeon Masters Synergy Endless Love Playmates Sasuneac Passion Endless Love | 20:56:00 20:45:00 20:40:00 20:08:00 20:05:00 20:00:00 19:57:00 19:51:00 19:44:00 19:39:00 | |
| 05/oct/2005 | Luina Guild 3 | Kingdom of Loki Impulse Kingdom of Loki Impulse Angelic Realms Kingdom of Loki Synergy Kingdom of Loki Impulse Dungeon Masters | 16:56:00 16:39:00 16:09:00 16:05:00 16:03:00 16:00:00 15:57:00 15:31:00 15:23:00 15:15:00 | |
| 05/oct/2005 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | Saosin Gaia Happy Campers Pestilence Synergy Gaia Well-Baked Cookies Dungeon Masters | 16:27:00 16:02:00 15:25:00 15:13:00 15:10:00 15:07:00 15:04:00 15:00:00 | |
| 05/oct/2005 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | Well-Baked Cookies Styx Dungeon Masters flatIine Dungeon Masters Styx Lucky Charms' Defiance Lucky Charms' Angelic Realms The Dragon's Ire Lucky Charms' Synergy Dragon's Myst Pestilence flatIine Lucky Charms' Broken Rose Saosin Gaia Lucky Charms' Synergy | 16:56:00 16:52:00 16:49:00 16:46:00 16:30:00 16:26:00 16:20:00 16:17:00 16:15:00 16:12:00 16:09:00 16:05:00 16:02:00 15:59:00 15:56:00 15:52:00 15:23:00 15:20:00 15:15:00 15:13:00 15:04:00 15:00:00 | |