| 10/may/2006 | Balder Guild 4 | SIaughtered Saints Aesthetic | 16:40:00 16:11:00 | |
| 10/may/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | XGMR Advent Sky Evil Monkeys Broken Rose Insurrection Heroes of Hyrule Advent Sky Unity Pestilence wai wai Impulse Heroes of Hyrule SIaughtered Saints Heroes of Hyrule Panic Attack Broken Rose Impulse Choobs Mosaic | 16:57:00 16:40:00 16:29:00 16:12:00 15:52:00 15:49:00 15:47:00 15:44:00 15:41:00 15:37:00 15:35:00 15:32:00 15:27:00 15:24:00 15:19:00 15:14:00 15:11:00 15:08:00 15:02:00 | |
| 10/may/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Well-Baked Cookies Broken Rose Black_Fang SIaughtered Saints Pestilence The Dread Pirates Fatty Chubby Kitties [ Kingdom of Loki Reminisce Broken Rose Impulse Killer Tomatoes | 16:38:00 16:36:00 16:29:00 16:00:00 15:52:00 15:48:00 15:44:00 15:28:00 15:22:00 15:17:00 15:15:00 15:09:00 | |
| 03/may/2006 | Balder Guild 3 | Gaia SIaughtered Saints XGMR Memory of Xehanort Pestilence Memory of Xehanort Broken Rose Gaia Killer Tomatoes Memory of Xehanort Wind. B r i t i s h Aesthetic Wind. | 16:59:00 16:57:00 16:50:00 16:27:00 16:10:00 16:07:00 15:53:00 15:48:00 15:43:00 15:23:00 15:11:00 15:07:00 15:05:00 15:02:00 | |
| 29/apr/2006 | Balder Guild 3 | SIaughtered Saints Guardians-of-Loki Divinus Guardians-of-Loki Killer Tomatoes Eternal l Asura SIaughtered Saints Unholy Ordinatio Wasa Broken Rose Divinus - I n f i n i t e - Divinus Fortitude Black Wings | 20:58:00 20:38:00 20:27:00 20:22:00 20:16:00 20:10:00 20:01:00 19:54:00 19:49:00 19:44:00 19:20:00 19:15:00 19:11:00 19:07:00 19:05:00 | |
| 29/apr/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | XGMR SIaughtered Saints Ordinatio Wasa Unholy Broken Rose Fortitude Sairai Unity Fortitude Ordinatio Wasa The Dragon's Ire -Genesis- Unholy Campers Reloaded Unholy Fortitude The Rush Effect XGMR Bonanza Gaia Fortitude Killer Tomatoes Solidarity Broken Halo Dominion Broken Rose Broken Halo | 20:55:00 20:31:00 20:27:00 20:24:00 20:22:00 20:15:00 20:13:00 20:10:00 20:08:00 20:05:00 20:03:00 19:54:00 19:49:00 19:47:00 19:42:00 19:40:00 19:34:00 19:31:00 19:29:00 19:19:00 19:15:00 19:13:00 19:09:00 19:07:00 19:05:00 19:03:00 19:01:00 | |
| 29/apr/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 3 | RebeliĆ³n Broken Rose Fortitude Insurrection Sairai Ordinatio Wasa SIaughtered Saints Unity Solidarity Unity Morroc Gaia Bonanza XGMR Solidarity Bonanza XGMR Za0 XGMR Campers Reloaded Dominion Killer Tomatoes Solidarity Insurrection Fortitude Liberation | 20:56:00 20:40:00 20:29:00 20:27:00 20:23:00 20:10:00 20:08:00 20:06:00 20:04:00 19:59:00 19:53:00 19:48:00 19:46:00 19:44:00 19:42:00 19:35:00 19:33:00 19:31:00 19:28:00 19:20:00 19:18:00 19:16:00 19:14:00 19:12:00 19:09:00 19:06:00 | |
| 26/apr/2006 | Britoniah Guild 4 | Eternal l Asura SIaughtered Saints Killer Tomatoes FNR Unity HappyBdayAngel&Maya!!<3 Deus Ex Machina Unity Deus Ex Machina FNR | 16:57:00 16:26:00 16:25:00 16:20:00 15:38:00 15:31:00 15:16:00 15:14:00 15:11:00 15:09:00 | |
| 26/apr/2006 | Balder Guild 3 | SIaughtered Saints Killer Tomatoes Ayin Memory of Xehanort Sairai Passion Perfect Sky Dominion Fortitude - I n f i n i t e - Holy Trinity HappyBdayAngel&Maya!!<3 | 16:58:00 16:43:00 16:39:00 16:35:00 16:22:00 16:06:00 15:46:00 15:34:00 15:26:00 15:22:00 15:18:00 15:09:00 | |
| 26/apr/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | Broken Rose Choobs SIaughtered Saints ~Lost Souls~ Heroes of Hyrule Invictus Bonanza Unholy Tribal Fury Sairai ~Lost Souls~ Sanctimonia Gaia Impulse Pan's Angelings Broken Rose Dead Poets Society | 16:59:00 16:42:00 16:36:00 16:24:00 16:19:00 16:16:00 16:05:00 16:02:00 15:55:00 15:45:00 15:42:00 15:37:00 15:32:00 15:19:00 15:17:00 15:14:00 15:08:00 | |
| 26/apr/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Well-Baked Cookies Invictus SIaughtered Saints Dead Poets Society Broken Halo Burglin Park Broken Halo Pan's Angelings Thousand Buddhas Endless Love Thousand Buddhas -S o u L- Broken Rose Pan's Angelings Sairai The Rush Effect Killer Tomatoes Morroc | 16:50:00 16:47:00 16:43:00 16:39:00 16:37:00 16:33:00 16:20:00 16:17:00 16:14:00 16:11:00 15:41:00 15:35:00 15:31:00 15:29:00 15:26:00 15:16:00 15:09:00 15:04:00 | |
| 22/apr/2006 | Balder Guild 3 | SIaughtered Saints XGMR ~Lost Souls~ Broken Halo SIaughtered Saints Broken Halo Holy Trinity | 20:57:00 20:37:00 20:04:00 19:38:00 19:35:00 19:08:00 19:04:00 | |
| 22/apr/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | XGMR LORDS of EMPIRIUM Broken Rose .Lazarus. The Knight Frontline Killer Tomatoes Fortitude Unholy Fortitude Fraternity Pan's Angelings LORDS of EMPIRIUM Dungeon Masters SIaughtered Saints Morroc Pan's Angelings Fortitude Reminisce Endless Love Reminisce Broken Rose | 20:54:00 20:45:00 20:39:00 20:36:00 20:32:00 20:29:00 20:13:00 20:07:00 20:03:00 19:54:00 19:52:00 19:50:00 19:47:00 19:41:00 19:20:00 19:18:00 19:16:00 19:11:00 19:09:00 19:04:00 19:02:00 | |
| 19/apr/2006 | Britoniah Guild 5 | Unity The Dragon's Ire Solidarity The Dragon's Ire Loki's Keepers Liberation - I n f i n i t e - Loki's Keepers - I n f i n i t e - SIaughtered Saints Burglin Park Pestilence | 16:55:00 16:38:00 16:30:00 16:22:00 16:13:00 16:10:00 15:45:00 15:40:00 15:35:00 15:28:00 15:26:00 15:21:00 | |
| 19/apr/2006 | Balder Guild 3 | SIaughtered Saints Holy Trinity SIaughtered Saints Dominion Burglin Park Dominion Sanctimonia ~Lost Souls~ Sanctimonia Endless Love SIaughtered Saints Holy Trinity Liberation | 16:55:00 16:27:00 16:00:00 15:57:00 15:52:00 15:50:00 15:47:00 15:40:00 15:32:00 15:27:00 15:23:00 15:18:00 15:13:00 | |
| 19/apr/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 2 | Dominion Perfect Sky Terre d'Ange SIaughtered Saints Thousand Buddhas Kingdom of Loki Thousand Buddhas Pan's Angelings Ordinatio Wasa Terre d'Ange Thousand Buddhas Gaia The Dragon's Ire Hero Pan's Angelings Thousand Buddhas Gaia Thousand Buddhas | 16:57:00 16:49:00 16:38:00 16:28:00 16:15:00 16:00:00 15:58:00 15:54:00 15:49:00 15:47:00 15:42:00 15:39:00 15:35:00 15:28:00 15:23:00 15:20:00 15:16:00 15:12:00 | |
| 19/apr/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 4 | Defiance Invictus - I n f i n i t e - Dead Poets Society Pan's Angelings Broken Rose Dead Poets Society The Dragon's Ire -S o u L- SIaughtered Saints Pestilence Pan's Angelings Broken Rose | 16:46:00 16:18:00 16:13:00 16:09:00 16:06:00 16:02:00 15:53:00 15:49:00 15:39:00 15:32:00 15:21:00 15:14:00 15:10:00 | |
| 19/apr/2006 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Well-Baked Cookies Pan's Angelings - I n f i n i t e - Heavens Demons Campers Reloaded Broken Rose Bonanza Impulse Morroc SIaughtered Saints Thousand Buddhas Dungeon Masters | 16:52:00 16:25:00 16:20:00 16:18:00 16:10:00 16:08:00 16:05:00 15:52:00 15:44:00 15:38:00 15:16:00 15:13:00 | |
| 15/apr/2006 | Balder Guild 3 | Eternal l Asura SIaughtered Saints Injustice Of Loki Alpha Injustice Of Loki Dominion Divinus Burglin Park Holy Trinity Injustice Of Loki SIaughtered Saints Death Corps Burglin Park | 20:58:00 20:42:00 20:16:00 20:12:00 20:06:00 20:03:00 19:58:00 19:52:00 19:49:00 19:44:00 19:38:00 19:24:00 19:12:00 | |
| 12/apr/2006 | Balder Guild 3 | Gaia SIaughtered Saints Memory of Xehanort Sanctimonia Dominion Pestilence Gaia Pestilence Avatara B r i t i s h Avatara Dominion | 16:57:00 16:49:00 16:09:00 16:01:00 15:56:00 15:48:00 15:37:00 15:35:00 15:26:00 15:21:00 15:16:00 15:10:00 | |