| 20/mar/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 4 | Eternal Asura The Infamous Anomaly A Holy Sin Catch a FaIling Star Kakumei Shuffles Under the Moonlight Atrocity Harrowed Rapture Catch a FaIling Star Kakumei | 19:58:00 19:08:44 18:59:31 18:53:39 18:49:57 18:43:53 18:39:30 18:36:00 18:25:29 18:23:24 18:19:58 18:11:13 | |
| 13/mar/2010 | Britoniah Guild 3 | Atrocity Blood Brotherhood Chaotic Vistage Blood Brotherhood | 20:59:07 20:35:19 20:09:39 19:06:04 | |
| 13/mar/2010 | Balder Guild 2 | Atrocity .Revenant. Kinetic Equilibrium Blood Brotherhood A Holy Sin Chaotic Vistage Kinetic Equilibrium Escapist | 20:56:48 19:58:16 19:46:15 19:30:29 19:25:20 19:17:57 19:14:17 19:06:42 | |
| 10/mar/2010 | Balder Guild 2 | Atrocity Ecstasy Kakumei Your Face is Bleh Blood Brotherhood The Civilians Chaotic Vistage Blood Brotherhood The Midnight Channel Blood Brotherhood .Revenant. Kinetic Equilibrium | 16:59:59 16:58:17 16:43:03 16:35:53 16:32:14 16:26:53 15:51:07 15:46:02 15:27:18 15:16:24 15:12:17 15:04:24 | |
| 10/mar/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | Ecstasy Chaotic Vistage Deception Baka's United Atrocity A Holy Sin Run for the Hills! Baka's United Kinetic Equilibrium Chaotic Vistage Baka's United | 17:00:15 16:59:09 16:41:20 15:54:59 15:50:47 15:32:43 15:28:24 15:21:21 15:14:59 15:09:22 15:05:35 | |
| 03/mar/2010 | Balder Guild 3 | Atrocity Under the Moonlight The Civilians A Holy Sin Blood Brotherhood A Holy Sin Mind Games Kinetic Equilibrium | 16:59:35 16:57:44 16:47:36 16:29:24 16:17:15 16:10:59 15:38:00 15:25:45 | |
| 03/mar/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 4 | The Legends Kakumei Atrocity Chaotic Vistage Eternal | Asura | 16:57:47 15:35:28 15:30:11 15:23:55 15:21:38 | |
| 03/mar/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Mind Games Ichigo Ichie .Revenant. Atrocity Kinetic Equilibrium Chaotic Vistage | 16:58:23 16:49:32 15:41:07 15:32:58 15:16:13 15:13:11 | |
| 27/feb/2010 | Britoniah Guild 3 | Atrocity Blood Brotherhood Under the Moonlight Blood Brotherhood Chaotic Vistage Kinetic Equilibrium Chaotic Vistage Under the Moonlight Baka's United Mind Games New Orleans Saints | 20:59:04 20:09:55 20:02:06 19:50:07 19:41:19 19:37:13 19:32:46 19:22:20 19:15:09 19:09:02 19:04:29 | |
| 24/feb/2010 | Britoniah Guild 3 | Atrocity Blood Brotherhood Avalanche Blood Brotherhood Avalanche Blood Brotherhood Baka's United | 16:56:04 16:47:26 16:32:37 16:26:38 16:21:33 15:56:35 15:15:38 | |
| 24/feb/2010 | Balder Guild 5 | Atrocity The Soup Nazi's Midnight Syndicate Blood Brotherhood The Soup Nazi's Kinetic Equilibrium Under the Moonlight | 16:59:31 16:58:04 15:58:30 15:55:48 15:37:41 15:31:39 15:03:54 | |
| 17/feb/2010 | Luina Guild 3 | Sempre Volare Ichigo Ichie Kakumei Deus Ex Machina A Holy Sin Atrocity | 16:55:57 15:52:06 15:47:19 15:41:29 15:37:53 15:34:11 | |
| 17/feb/2010 | Britoniah Guild 4 | SentineI Rabid Pixels Eternal | Asura Atrocity -The-Royal-Flush- | 16:57:48 16:21:26 16:10:49 15:34:03 15:11:29 | |
| 17/feb/2010 | Balder Guild 4 | -The-Royal-Flush- Dungeon Masters The Civilians Dungeon Masters A Holy Sin Dungeon Masters Cerulean Skies Dungeon Masters C.U.B.A Dungeon Masters Atrocity Kinetic Equilibrium Dungeon Masters Under the Moonlight Dungeon Masters | 16:58:25 16:40:25 16:31:00 16:26:01 16:23:41 16:20:27 16:17:15 15:55:12 15:50:33 15:36:12 15:34:35 15:29:44 15:26:18 15:21:05 15:18:45 | |
| 17/feb/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 1 | Ecstasy Deus Ex Machina Atrocity Chaotic Vistage Kakumei .Baby. Dungeon Masters A Holy Sin .Baby. Kakumei Chaotic Vistage Deus Ex Machina | 16:58:40 16:22:29 16:15:41 16:10:26 16:00:34 15:53:56 15:47:29 15:41:44 15:29:09 15:21:25 15:17:46 15:02:34 | |
| 17/feb/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 3 | Ecstasy Monopoly FNR Chaotic Vistage Atrocity Mind Games Chaotic Vistage -The-Royal-Flush- Monopoly Chaotic Vistage Deus Ex Machina .Revenant. Chaotic Vistage | 16:59:24 16:57:47 16:53:38 16:19:39 16:04:12 16:02:43 15:37:27 15:20:23 15:15:57 15:10:07 15:07:52 15:05:13 15:02:04 | |
| 17/feb/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Cuddly Bears Yay ArEa Deus Ex Machina Chaotic Vistage Dungeon Masters Kinetic Equilibrium Deus Ex Machina Existence Triad Legacy Atrocity Existence Triad Legacy Kakumei Deus Ex Machina Existence Triad Legacy Kinetic Equilibrium Existence Triad Legacy | 16:59:46 16:38:23 16:14:35 16:10:48 16:06:38 15:57:14 15:42:49 15:38:49 15:36:31 15:27:56 15:17:46 15:13:02 15:10:47 15:06:50 15:03:23 | |
| 10/feb/2010 | Britoniah Guild 4 | SentineI Vicious Bunnies Rabid Pixels Vicious Bunnies You Got Ninja'd Anomaly Existence Triad Legacy You Got Ninja'd Existence Triad Legacy Anomaly -The-Royal-Flush- Anomaly -The-Royal-Flush- Atrocity | 16:58:38 16:38:54 16:32:34 16:27:53 16:13:14 16:05:32 16:03:22 15:57:21 15:51:05 15:46:46 15:33:58 15:29:42 15:08:19 15:05:43 | |
| 10/feb/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 3 | Catch a FaIling Star Ascension I Should Be Playing WoW InefficientBondage Eternal | Asura Atrocity I Cut Myself I Should Be Playing WoW Deus Ex Machina I Should Be Playing WoW Run for the Hills! Ascension The Legends -The-Royal-Flush- | 16:59:11 16:58:04 16:33:54 16:25:45 16:17:00 16:12:14 16:09:36 16:02:57 16:01:01 15:57:15 15:50:31 15:44:27 15:30:48 15:27:55 | |
| 10/feb/2010 | Valkyrie Realms 5 | Monopoly Nocturne. /omg I Should Be Playing WoW Atrocity A Holy Sin I Cut Myself Shuffles A Holy Sin Deus Ex Machina Baka's United Deus Ex Machina .Revenant. Kinetic Equilibrium I Should Be Playing WoW A Holy Sin -The-Royal-Flush- | 16:59:31 16:57:18 16:42:33 16:21:36 16:17:21 16:08:27 16:05:14 16:01:05 15:55:45 15:49:15 15:46:24 15:42:07 15:39:06 15:35:39 15:31:45 15:13:15 15:01:40 | |